Protecting You

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Regina's POV
We are leaving Hawaii today and I'm happy but also sad because I loved it and it was so much fun but I'm also ready to go back home. I miss the comfort of my own bed and my own stuff. It's great being on vacation and traveling but I also miss just being stupid and living my normal life. And then I have to go home and deal with Lilith. She is one hell of a person and she's gonna cause so much trouble and I know it's gonna cause Emma and I to get stressed and then we are gonna fight about it.

I get up and get dressed in black leggings and a Emma's big Nike shirt and I curl my hair. I brush it out so it's loose curls and then I put on concealer and mascara. I put on sandals and I grab my matching Louis Vuitton bag. Emma gets up and puts on Nike sweats with a Nike jacket and a Nike hat. She puts her hair up and then puts on black Nike's. I brush my teeth and then I get the kids all dressed and ready. "Mommy I'm hungry" Rowan whines. "Baby we will eat at the airport" I say. "No I wanna eat now" she crosses her arms and pouts. "Well too bad, I said at the airport and your waiting" I walk back into me and Emma's room and she's brushing her teeth. "What's wrong baby" she asks walking over to me and wrapping her arms around my waist. "Nothing" I mumble trying to be free from her arms. "Tell me now" I groan. "I'm mad" I admit.

"I'm mad because I can't be mad. I can't be mad at you because Lilith was your girlfriend and I was just a cover up. You could do whatever you want because I'm not really your wife. I can't be sad. I can't be sad because you didn't force me into this. You asked me and knowing how I felt and how everything is between us I accepted" Emma pecks my forehead and I close my eyes in comfort.

"I. Love. You" I smile and she pecks my nose.

"I. Love. You" she kisses my right cheek.

"I. Love. You" she kisses the other cheek and I blush.

"I. Love. You" she pecks my neck.

"And. I. Love. You. Only. You. Forever. And. Ever" she finally kisses my lips and I grab her face to pull her closer.

"Even when you were my bestfriend, you came over Lily. And you always will no matter what. Even ask Henry, I would want to hang with you and Lily thinks she can control me. Your are always first in my heart and in my mind. Everything I do I think of you." I smile and wrap my around her neck and hug her.

"Thank you for that, and I love you too" she smiles and pecks my lips.

We are in the airport and I am doing the check in stuff. "Babe can I have the passports" I ask turning to Emma who's playing with the kids. She kisses Roland forehead before going into my purse and grabbing the passports. I smile and she kisses my cheek. "You two together" the girl asks. "Yes this was our honeymoon" I answer smiling. "You took the kids" she questions.

"Yeah we didn't want to leave them and it was mini vacation for all of us"

"That's sweet how long did you fall in love" she asks.

"Well she was my bestfriend and then we just somehow fell in love I don't even know how it happened honestly, but I've been in love with her since I met her" she smiles at me.

"That's adorable" I smile and she hands me back my ID. "Ready to go baby" she asks wrapping her arms around me. "Yes I wanna go home and lay down with you" I say as she pecks my lips. "Alright grab hands and lets get going kids" Emma says grabbing Rowan's hand.

We get on the plane and i have to sit next to some random dude and Roland. while Emma sits with Rowan and Henry. He's sitting in the aisle and Roland has window he's asleep.

"How are you" he ask.

"I'm good how are you"

"Well" he answers. The plane starts moving and i sit there in silence with my head back. We got first class again do the light are off so everyone can sleep. I feel a hand on my knee and I freeze. My eyes shoot open and then the hand goes up to my thigh and starts rubbing. I know it's the guy next to me but my body won't let me move. His hand goes higher till it's at my jeans button. I suck in a breath and move backwards and he grabs my neck and chocked me. He starts to unbutton my pants and undo the zipper but I quickly punch him in the balls. And zip my pants up. I get up and I get Roland. I pick his sleeping body up and I go to Emma who's two seats behind us on the other side. I grab her hand and pull her out her seat. I set Roland down and Henry already knows to watch his siblings. I drag Emma to the bathroom and I quickly shut the door.

"The guy I'm sitting next to just tried to like rape me or something" I say.

"Are you fucking kidding me" Emma says.

"I was so scared I couldn't even move" I cry and sob into her chest. "Shh baby it's okay" I nod and wipe my tears. Luckily my makeup isn't messed up. "I'm gonna beat his ass" Emma growls. "No please don't make a scene" I say grabbing her wrist. "Fine" she says yanking her arm away. I grab her arm and she sits down next to him and I sit by the window.

"Who are you" the guys say to Emma.

"Her wife" he gulps and I look away knowing what Emma's gonna do.

"Yea don't try it" she elbows his nose and he groans and holds his bleeding nose.

"You ass" he stands up and goes to the bathroom.

"You didn't have to" I say.

"I did and I would again if it meant protecting you" I smile and she pecks my lips.

"I love you" she says.

"I love you too" she smiles.

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