Airport Troubles

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Emma's POV
We get to security and the kids can keep their shoes on since there under age but Regina Henry and I have to take ours off. "This is the worst part" I say taking off my belt and rings I keep my wedding ring on. "Babe you have to take that off" Regina says. I sigh and put it in the bucket and watch it go through before grabbing Rowan's hand. "These your kids" he asks. "Yes" henry goes through first then Roland the Rowan. "Babe go" Regina goes through the machine thing that goes all the way around your body and something goes off. I go through and they don't stop me but they stop Regina. I see the man getting a little to handsy with Regina so I step up. "Excuse me might want to watch your hands sir" Regina gives me a look. "Is that a threat" he says. He puts his hand on his gun. "Code 304 using your authority to try and scare someone smart but I'm a police office too" his face goes blank and Regina pushes me away. "Babe" she says. "What I don't want some guy touching you like that, god help me if I had my taser" Regina puts her hand on my chest. "It's fine baby I love you okay" I nod and she pecks my lips. "Henry stop recording us" Regina says. "Y'all are so cute thought" I smile and put my belt back on and my shoes as well as my wedding ring. I grab my money and follow everyone. "What gate are we" Regina asks. "19" we have a long walk. "Wait before we go bathroom" I say. Regina grabs Rowan's hand and I follow the boys to the bathroom. Guys always look at me weird until I pull out my shaft. Makes them shut up real quick.

I walk out and some guy is talking to Regina. I immediately get over protective and walk over there wrapping my arm around her waist. "Did I tell you I have a wife" he shakes his head terrified. "Walk away kid" he must be at least 16. Kid just wants some ass.

Finally we get to the gate and I am going to tell them were we are going. "We are going to Hawaii" Regina's mouth goes wide and she grabs my face kissing me. "Are you happy" I say.

Regina wants starbucks so I tell Henry to watch the kids "don't let them leave" Henry nods and I grab Regina's hand and follow her to Starbucks. "So is Lilith okay with this" she asks. "Don't start" I say. "Why I just want to know if your girlfriend is okay with you spending your money on me" I roll my eyes. "Exactly it's my money so I don't care and you are worth every dime" Regina blushes and I wrap my arm around her putting my hand in her back pocket. "Stop" Regina whispers.

We get up to the register and Regina decides what to order. "Can I have a venti passion tea lemonade with two pumps raspberry and two puma sweeter with berry juice instead of water with no berries and light ice" I smile she's so complicated. "That will be 2.79" Regina goes to get her wallet but I stop her. "I got it" I hand her a twenty. "Thank you" I peck her lips and get back my change. "Stop just carrying money around like that Emma, it could easily fall out your pocket" I say. "I hate wallets you know that" I say. "A card would do just fine" she suggests. "Then I have to worry about loosing all my money instead of only $5" she nods and agrees with me. "Here you go cutie" I turn around and look at the girl. "Who's cute my wife, you know it" she stutters and I walk away and wrap my arm around Regina. "Your so protective" Regina says. "But I love that about you" I smile and kiss her cute little nose before sitting down with the kids.

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