Walking Down The Aisle

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Emma's POV
I chase after Lily and I grab her hand. "Babe please" she turns around. "Don't babe me" she says coldly. "It's not like that" she shakes her head. "I love you so I will forgive you but never again Emma I swear" I nod and kiss her softly.

It's time to get married I am so terrified that this will go terrible and Lily will freak out or something.

I get dressed in my tux and i see my mom. "Are you excited" she asks. "Nervous a little" she nods. "See you out there" she walks out and I breath in before walking out. I smile widely even thought it's fake I'm happy. The music for the bride starts playing and everyone stands up. I look at the door and my dad walks Emma down the aisle. She's so stunning. I feel tears start to come into my vision and I quickly blink then away or at least try to. She stands in front of me and I take her hand. "You look so I'm breathless" she blushes. "Your wearing a tux" I nod. "Is that okay" I ask. "You look handsome" I smile and was about to kiss her but I can't till later. "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today......

"Rings please" Roland brings the rings and Regina kisses his cheek. They have really grown on us since we met them a week ago. "Regina your vows" Regina sighs.

"You are my best friend, my confidant. Marrying you is truly my every desire fulfilled.
I promise to put you ahead of all others, to be by your side through thick and thin, through good times and bad. When the rains fall and the cool breezes blow, you can count on me. You can always count on me. I love you with a love that cannot be expressed in words - only in kisses, in glances, and in the years of our lives. Down the path, through the woods, in the sun-drenched fields, and through bitter snows. Our love will keep us safe, warm, and in each other's arms. It's unbelieveable that I get the chance to promise myself to the person I consider my greatest friend and loving ally in all things. I love you and will cherish you for all time. Honesty above all things is what I pledge to you. My honest devotion, my honest heart, and my undying love." I wipe some tears away and everyone laughs.

I slide the ring on her finger and bite my lip before saying my vows "You are the first person I want to see in the morning and the last at night. I look forward to loving the smallest moments, like your eyes while you toss your hair. Spin a coin into a fountain and make a wish for us. You are my wish come true. You are my other half. You are the one that makes me laugh when I'm sad, makes me consider when I want to be rash, and finds me when I am lost. You are my guide, teacher, and one true love. I vow to make my life forever yours and build my dreams around you. I take thee to be my wife and promise to look into your eyes just like I do now, with love and soulful amazement. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. As I promise always to be true I promise myself to you. I promise to hold our love as a love everlasting. To you I promise to cherish and share in everything. Not just for this moment, not for an hour, or day, or year - I will always love you." I wipe her tears away making everyone laugh.

"Regina Mills do you promise to love Emma for all eternity through sickness and in health through good and bad till death do you part" Regina gives me a big smile. "I do" I bite my lip anticipating the kiss. I can't kiss her like I want to cause Lily is here but I will soon enough. "Emma Swan do you promise to love Regina for all eternity through sickness and in health through good and bad till death do you part" I smile. "I do." "I now pronounce you Ms and Ms.Swan you may now kiss the bride" I hold her face softly and "hey cover your eyes" I say to Roland and Rowan. Then I kiss her lips it only lasted five second and I smile and peck her lips again. I grab her hand intertwining our fingers and walking down the aisle. This has been the best day ever!

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