Fighter 1

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Shownu's Point of View

I was angry again. Angry that I was in this concrete room. Angry that I was in this concrete room because I was stupid enough to get caught when I robbed those stores. I let out my anger the only way I could think of; I punched the wall, over and over, until my knuckles were bleeding. Only then would I stop, dropping my hands to my sides and sliding down the wall.

A harsh pink light landed on my face as the door to my room was opened. The guards pulled me up roughly and took me to another room, this one a cell with metal bars. I stood in the middle of the cell, unsure of what to do with myself now.

There was about an inch of water in the floor. I decided to just dance, cause I was bored. I spun around and kicked up water and just moved until I was tired of that. I stretched so my muscles wouldn't seize up now that I wasn't moving.

I did that basically every day. Well I assumed it was everyday; I counted the days based on how many times they had brought me food. After the third time, I counted it another day. Probably wrong, but it was the only way I had to keep track of time.

I didn't see anyone else walked past my cell. I saw only the guards, and them only when they brought me food. I had tried to look at what was outside my cell by walking close to the bars and peering between them. There was only darkness, pitch black darkness. Even the side with the door in it was only lit for a few feet before the pink light faded into the inky blackness found everywhere else.

It was hard to find a dry place to sleep. And when you found one it was hard to stay asleep. For me anyways, because I had dreams every night. Dreams of a life I had never lived. The only thing that matched my real life in the dreams was the presence of my six friends.

In my dreams, I had robbed the stores to get money so I could pay for my dying father to be treated; in reality, I had robbed the stores because my friend Hyungwon was dying. I dreamed that Hyungwon's father abused him and Minhyuk found out, causing him to go burn down City Hall with I.M and Wonho, when in reality it was Jooheon who had burned City Hall because I.M was being abused. I dreamed that the mayor survived that fire and retaliated by attacking us with the townsfolk when he had ended up burning in that fire. I dreamed that we ended up running from that fight that never really happened and we... Well I don't know what happened after we ran because I always woke up before that.

I was woken from a dream where my friends and I were sitting around a fire surrounded by blue smoke when the cell door was opened. I almost died of shock when I saw that it was my friend Jooheon. He was in this fancy black dress shirt with a ruffly white thing around his neck. He held a hand out to me and I noticed a sword strapped to his waist.

He led me to a fighting ring after I took his hand. Two people were already standing in it, costume bear heads on to cover their faces. Jooheon let go of my hand and stepped up onto a raises platform that had come up from the center of the ring while I wasn't watching. He faced me and drew the sword out of its scabbard.

"Shownu, you have been chosen by the consensus of the Six to represent your clan in hand to hand combat. Kneel down onto one leg please," he announced. I did what he said and he touched each of my shoulders with the silver sword. It caught the light coming from above and seemed to shine from within as he spoke again. "You are hereby knighted by the grace of the Six. You are now the official Knight of the X Clan. Stand, and defend the honor of your clan," he said. When I stood he had disappeared and the platform had lowered.

I raised my fists as the two guys suddenly came towards me, their bear heads gone. The first threw a fist towards me and I easily blocked, sending a fist into his gut. As he went down the other tried to land a punch and I dodged, sending and uppercut to his jaw from my position below him. I dodged out of his way as he fell and landed another punch on the first guy. I landed punch after punch until the two guys were down. I raised my arms triumphantly and closed my eyes.

When I opened them again, I was no longer in the fight ring. I was in a white room that smelled very clean, with a hint of medicine and death. A hospital. I stood up from the thin bed I was on and noticed the crisp white clothes I was wearing. Where were my other clothes? When did they bring me here? The last thing I remembered was beating the guys in the ring.

I shrugged and walked out the unlocked door. I heard a voice over the sound system. "Security to Room 305," it said. I looked at the number outside the room I had just left. It was number 618. Relieved that they weren't coming to my room, I wandered through the halls. I was half trying to find the exit, and half wondering if my friends were here.

I lost track of how long I wandered through those halls. I couldn't even find my way back to the room I had left. None of the rooms I looked into had anyone inside. I was sure I had been wandering long enough to start getting hungry, but I wasn't hungry.

I didn't even feel anything at this point.

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