Chapter 1: Explainations

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30th october
Suprisingly you would be confused
by how much happens in this year, especially now in senior year and already a lot has begun to happen. Elena has been a little secretive but all i know is she has this boyfriend who was the new guy a couple of weeks called Stefan Salvatore. Jer is off drugs now but for how long? and is still head over heels about vicky too. I don't see the point in love who believes it will last forever? Besides that i don't believe this town is anywhere near safe there has been so many reports on animal attacks i have no idea what to believe at all any more around here, the death of my parents is bad enough but more people, how long will it take until it is maybe jeremy, elena or even jenna. Only time can tell and anything is now possible even with this weird tall dark stranger that sometimes appears with elena and stefan, if makes me wonder who is he? And is he such a bad person, even if i don't believe in love is it hard to feel it about him?

I shut the book over before getting out of bed that morning, the house was quiet and still, sometimes elena would go to stefan's and jer would be still asleep for ages (after a heavy night too) even jenna is asleep a lot of the time too. But any way the place we call home is no longer safe you need to prepare for the "animals to come" and i don't buy these attacks are from animals.
As much as i want to sit here i sigh and get up, it's my last year at mystic falls high, i have only been there a few weeks and it is crazy.  Especially with elena, i love her to pieces and i can't tell thar this would be serious with stefan, but it seems it. But with that i  mind the tall dark person following them, i do catch him, he never takes notice. Is that such a bad thing?
I head downstairs and i see jenna is already up.
"Morning jenna" i said brightly.
"Hey, morning so what's going on here with elena she seems a bit attached with the salvatore boys recently." She says.
"Salvatore's, there is more than one?" I asked.
"Yeah have you not noticed him the tall dark haired guy.. damon salvatore?" She questions.
"No? I seen him just never knew him" i shrugged.
"I suppose so just i don't really know weather you really can trust him" jenna shrugs and lowers her voice for this bit. "He is sort of a dick".
"I can here you, you know" jeremy laughs. It's good to see him smile it's all i want.
"Ok but you have to agree!" Jenna laughs.
"Well the salvatore's are a bit off to me" he shrugs. "You giving me a ride serena?"
"Yeah sure, catch you later jenna" i smiled.
"Ok bye both of you!" She calls.
And we leave the house and get in the car.
"So you coming to the hallowe'en dance?" Jer asks me.
"Of course!" I smiled "wouldn't miss it".
"Great what's your theme this year?" He says.
"I am going for vampire maybe" i tell him.
"Sounds great, i mean no one wpd have thought that" jeremy jokes.
"Don't be so stupid jer" i laughed.

We get to school and by this point elena was outsode of the school with stefan (no suprise) i give them a small smile and start to pass them when"serena"
I turn and look as stefan said my name.
"Hi stefan, elena what's up?" I asked.
"Can you make sure jer is safely away from vicky tonight" he says.
"Sure of course, she dangerous?" I question.
"Yeah, she is not one to be trusted right now" he nods.
"Thanks to damon" elena adds.
"Oh yeah? What's so bad about him that i keep hearing?" I asked.
"A lot of things" stefan shrugs and i nodded walking away but elena catches my arm.
"You ok?" Elena asks.
"Yeah i am great, just elena i wish you would stop hiding things, i know you trust stefan but what about me?" I sighed.
"It will all become clear tonight" she says. "I didn't want to get you, jer and jenna involed i want to protect you all".
"Elena that is mine and jenna's job!" I said. "Look fine i am joining you both tonight just wait for me".
"Of course i will." She nods.

That night elena was at stefan and she was texting me where to meet while i am getting ready with covering my face and making it completely white. And placing in some fake fangs over my teeth.
"I could make them real if i want?" Someone says and i gasp turning around. Damon, Damon Salvatore is right in front of me.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Oh elena is so poor with passing information, well suprise she is dating a vampire and his brother is right in front of you" he smirks. "Damon Salvatore"
"Nice one" i laughed. "Well if you are a vampire prove it".
I cut my finger and veins form around his eyes and actually fangs form as he bites down further on the cut draining the blood and letting go moments later.
"Enough proof?" He asks.
"Yeah, now you watch me get ready or you going? I said.
"Actually that sounds interesting considering... 'this weird tall dark stranger that sometimes appears with elena and stefan, if makes me wonder who is he? And is he such a bad person, even if i don't believe in love is it hard to feel it about him?' Hm?" He says and it takes me time to process what he is on about..
"What you..." i turn around and see him smiling as he reads this from my diary. "Damon!"
I felt so embrassed.
"Soo you seen me yet never even knew my name or any thing?" He says. "And for someone one who also feels no love i am with you one that".
"Really, so you don't see me as some obsessed girl then?" I looked at him and he moves swiftly closer.
"No, i actually like it" he smirks. "I think you need to wear this actually".
He picks out a black dress which i haven't worn since my parents got it for christmas two years back.
"Fine i will wear this" i sighed.
"What? It's what real vampire dresa as fancy dress any way" he smirks.
"Oh do they now?" I asked.
"Don't even go there" he mutters.
What did he mean, he is so confusing i didn't no what i could decide about him. But some reason things seemed really much likely it's something more than a silly crush.

Serena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now