Chapter 10: Suprise

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I park my car in the parking lot outside of school i couldn't tell weather i felt mostly excited or happy to be back it has been too long.
"I am so ready for some fun, with out you school wouldn't have been fun" she smiled.
"Exactly" i laughed. "I am the queen of fun".
So we head of inside of school to the quiet halls and find the right class.
"You do know where we are going right?" I asked.
"Yes what do you think i am a lost puppy" she jokes. "Now come on".
We find the class and my heart is pounding. Stop your not you no more serena you been hiding to long.
"Stefan and elena's class wow a big suprise" i said.
"Oh well you want to suprise so go on ser, make your entrance, do it we are with them now" she tells me.
"Oh yeah" i smiled. "Of course let's go."
I open the door and everyone quietly stares. It's Alric's class.
"Ah miss Mikelison, and miss gilbert am i right?" He asks.
"Oh we are on the regester already?" Rebekah asks.
"Yeah take a seat" he nods and we both walk to our seats and the back and on my way i see elena nudge stefan and there both looking back in suprise. I smiled. Now that is my reaction i wanted to make.

Elena P.OV
We all focus on history until everyone looks up the door opens. I sighed i was all prepared for tonight to talk to rebekah but i knew she wouldn't talk to me. But no longer did i need to worry because i heard her.
"Is that.." i started to whisper and she turns around with rebekah. It is and it's serena.
"Stefan" i whispered nudging him.
"It's serena!"
"Well i was right about her and rebekah being close" he says. "So what's the plan?"
"No plan we need to find out why she has been away so long and what she is doing with the orginals." I say.
"But her connection to them what if she is not going to say?" He asked.
"Then i guess we will have to find another way" i answered.

Serena P.O.V
I walk out of history smiling and had rebekah by my side.
"So is this school bet than you expected?" She asked.
"Very much a suprise i didn't know returning home was such a big deal."
"Well let's see this town is far from normal so what do you expect really".
"Yeah" i smiled. "What you got now?"
"Math" she said. "You americans are odd with your words."
"It's only the best you can get" i shrugged. "Well i will catch you later?"
"Yeah of course" she nods and i go to my locker. I open it up and put all my history stuff inside and pull out my books for the next class and close the door over
"Long time no see serena" damon says shocking me as a dropped my books in suprise.
"Damon" i sighed.
"So i was wondering when you would be back" he said.
"Trust me i wasn't going to waste anymore time, but what you doing here?" I asked.
"Let's just say there is a lot we need to know about, maybe you being best of friends with the orignal vampires". He shrugs
"Yeah why what have they done?" I asked.
"A lot of things which your are about to learn" he answered and he snaps my neck.

Elena P.O.V
"Hey stefan, elena!" Caroline calls.
"Hey care what's up?" I asked.
"Oh nothing i heard serena's back" she smiles.
"Yeah possibly far from normal" stefan says. "So the big plan was to bring in damon."
"What!" She gasped. "You brought damon into school!"
"It's not that bad if anything, she know a lot about the orginals" i agreed.
"She is best friends with rebekah, the would have damon dead in a second and wont trust any of us we need to keep the peace." Caroline snaps.
"We will wait to see what damon thinks" stefan shrugs and my phone rings.
"Speaking of damon" i said and i answered.
"I got her back at the boarding house." Damon says.
"And why couldn't you comfront her at the school?" I asked.
"Too many ears and rebekah would have noticed" he answered.
"Well will be there in 10" i said and cut the call. "Damon has her at your house let's go".

Serena P.O.V
"Where am i?" I muttered and awake from what seemed like a while.
"Serena, welcome back i see we finally got you alone" stefan says.
"What am i doing here, look whatever you want i don't have it" i hissed.
"Oh yeah do i have to lock you in the small basement?" Damon questioned.
"No" i shook my head.
"Good now go on we need to get you talking" damon he began.
"Fine, but don't you think you own me something 'boyfriend' " i smirked.
"Oh sister you seem helrious considering damon has gone to soft, what's the deal with you and the orginals?" Elena asked and spreads vervain across my arm.
"Stop!" I screamed. "Ok i was out of time i ran away from here you got the note i meet up with klaus who i started doing business with until we got back here a few months back."
"That was the time klaus brought me back here" stefan adds.
"I went away from then we cut off and i stopped working for him however me and rebekah we were close and she kept me updated with everything." I continued.
"And you don't know anything klaus has done to us?" Elena asked.
"Oh believe me i got no details of that all i knew was he need some hybrids and doppleganger blood of someone's" i shrugged. "Which my guess of what klaus is planning is as good as mine".
"But wait why did you come back the month before they arrived back at mystic falls?" Damon now questions.
"Seeing if any one really cared" i shrugged. "I suppose you all did."
"Funnily enough elena was all prepared for a search party for you!" Caroline snaps.
"Caroline i thought you would be pleased of my return" i smiled.
"I think you guessed wrong" she hissed.
"Wow i missed a lot, a new vampire killed anyone yet?" I joked.
"Elena, since when did your sister become a bitch?" Caroline asked. "No wait a dick".
"Oooh...Welcome to the club" damon smirked at me.
"Thanks, can i go yet?" I asked him.
"Yes" he sighed. "What she has nothing she knows".
"Fine go back to being boring just so you know your not welcome at home" elena said harshly.
"Right, got that" i nodded. "Oh damon we have unfinished business".
"Unfinished business?" Stefan questions.
"You do not want to dive into my world stefan" he says and unties me and i get away quickly back to the school.

"Wow you had a long class you almost missed lunch" rebekah says when i spotted her.
"I already come prepared come with me in the history class room i compelled alaric to stay out" i smiled.
"Fine this better be good" she sighed.

Serena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now