Chapter 2: Hide and Seek

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We set of to go.
"You sure you want to drive?" He asked.
"Of course what makes you ask damon?" I smiled. "You suddenly care?"
"Not that you know do you?" He sighed. "Let's go".
We get in the car and i start driving.
"So what's the plan?" I said.
"You are going to occupy jeremy and we will sort vicky" he says.
"Look it's been nice you caring but you need to stop" i sighed.
"No it's no that, it was the whole plan and you are not getting yourself killed".
"Oh please i will be fine!"
"And this is serious because vicky could go on a rampage on anyone"
"I don't care any way what if jeremy could be with vicky now hm? Then what's your plan?"
"Well we will deal with that when it comes to it"
"Right and should i trust you?"
"I don't know because this tall dark stranger from your book, is very suspious" he says with his small smile.
"Don't even go there" i sighed.

We met stefan and elena there and  there they waited, elena was a nurse, and stefan and damon where themselves.
"Wow, you almost look..." stefan stopped.
"Yeah um... ser," elena starts and i held up my hand.
"I know everything, stefan and damon i know what they are" i said. "And the vicky situation and i think i am ready to help find her."
"Yeah i tried to stop she said no and it basically runs in the gilbert bloodline" damon says.
"We don't have time for this but nice ser you very simlar touch" elena laughs.
"I suppose" i shrugged. "No come on i think there is something we need to get to."
We walk into the party finding no danger in site yet but also how it was mysteriously jeremy free.
"I don't think he is here" i sighed.
"I hear something" stefan says.
"The car park"
"Let's go" i nodded.
Elena went on ahead with stefan while damon hung back.
"No two gilbert's are enough." He shook his head.
"No damon i need to save my brother!" I argued and tried to fight him. "Damon let go of me!"
And i managed to get me out.
"Then i am so sorry you will need this" he said and feed me his blood as he bit at his wrist.
"What is this for?" I asked.
"In case she kills you" he smiled.
"So i come back to life?" I question.
"It's compilcated" he shrugs and we ran out but it was too late, stefan was holding elena who was crying and real blood all over her and jeremy crying because she is dead.
"We missed it" i said. But it wasn't over.
"What you kids doing out here?" A teacher says.
And damon was swiftly gone with vicky's body.
"Get back inside" the teacher said again and everyone walked in but he stopped me.
"Is that real blood?" He gasped.
"It's not what it looks like" i blurted.
Stefan come towards me.
"What's going on?" Stefan asked.
"Not now mr salvatore go back inside" he says and pulls out his phone and grabs me. "I think we need a talk mrs forbes."
"Wait Sir.." stefan trails off but he is now marching me away. He thinks i am a vampire.

I get took to a prision room, with my phone on silent until the can prove this damon's blood is now dried up around my mouth but still i am now scared of what can happen.
"I am sorry little vampire but no feeding time considering your the one who nearly killed vicky donvan and mr tanner" one of the cops say.
"No!" I cried.
"Don't make me shoot you" he yells.
"I am not a vampire!" I screamed but he shot me he finally shot me. I fell to the floor and everything all goes dark...

Stefan P.O.V
Damon went up to erase jeremy's and i was talking with elena that this was the right thing to do. Then the phone rang.
"I will get it" elena said and damon comes down the stairs as elena put her finger to her lips.
"Hey, mrs forbes what's... oh my.. thank you" she says and then turns to us.
"Elena?" I said and looked at her.
"Is jeremy awake?" Elena asks.
"Well yes and no" damon shrugs.
"Get him down her we need to go to the hospital" she says,stressed.
Damon rushes up the stairs and and gets him and in confusion and panic all eyes are on elena.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"It's about serena look we have to go get to the hospital" she says nearly hysterical.
"Elena tell me what's going on" i said softly.
"Why is she hurt?" Damon says and his attention has grown.
"She was shot by one of the cops at the station, they thought she was a vampire" elena says and we all look at her seriously.

Serena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now