Chapter 4: For the love of blood

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31st october
So i learnt a lot recently my sisters boyfriend is a vampire, stefan salvatore and so is his brother damon the tall dark stranger, i also have a lot to learn too. I am no longer the serena gilbert, a terified human i am a changed person, i am vampire.
It really sound crazy saying something like this out loud especially from being a big fan of twilight when i was 16 a few years back, however this is reality and i am 18 forever, elena and jer will grow older than me while i am like this and the scary part is watching them fade away but any way damon salvatore is actually the nice guy here and he is helping me out.

"For one day you have a lot to say" damon smirks.
"Don't try me!" I sighed. "I need to get ready".
"I know you do which is why i think i would rather you chose something normal" he suggest.
"Actually i was thinking more this" i smiled and take the black top and long dress what trails down and is very much transparent from the half way down my legs.

"Actually i was thinking more this" i smiled and take the black top and long dress what trails down and is very much transparent from the half way down my legs

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"Get changed" he says speechless i think i out done him.
I get dressed quickly and didn't bother about make up so much so i left it and the went back to my open diary.

Being a vampire doesn't feel real it's like some crazy dream you don't even notice that's until you wake up and see it's the reality to all of this then you know you can believe it.

I close back over my diary and just a day ago i didn't even realise how much of a lot can change me especially with damon too. And that's actually where it's beginning vampires i never ever thought about it unless the cullen's were all set to jump out of twilight when i was younger i was prepared for that.
"We all ready to go?" He asked.
"Ready as i ever will be" i nodded.
"Good because tonight your becoming a true vampire" he said.
"I am more than ready for it" i smiled.

Damon drives us down the parts lf town which i haven't seen before and then i see a party nearby.
"Halloween party let's go" i smiled.
"Sure good start" he nods leaving the car and having it parked at one side. We knock on the door.
"Save the polietness" damon says but i push him back.
"I have a plan" i sighed.
The person comes to the door and looks unimpressed.
"Ok... i never seen you guys before" he said.
"Oh come on can we join the party?" I asked.
"Sorry you arent even on the list" he shook his head and he starts to close the door but i pull it back open and looked into his eyes.
"You will let us in the party like vips and let us take blood from you  and your guests as it is like normal and tomorrow morning you will forget about this" i command and he nods and suddenly has a big smile on his face.
"Whoa that is so rude of me i cant keep vips waiting" he says. "Come right in"
And we walked into the party with changed the way you kissed me by example on loud.
"Ready?" He asks.
"Oh i am made ready" i laughed wickedly, deep down i knew i had this voice saying "what are you doing? Why you being like this it isnt you! And "you have change and this has to stop before you end up losing your self and switching off humanity!"
Everything i was doing was to save myself, but also to have fun with damon is this so bad?
I look at my first person, a boy about 17 and smiled.
"Hey cutie" i smiled. "What you doing?"
"Maybe i should be asking you thst too?" He grins.
"Well i have a better idea" i whispered and compelled him with "i want you to enjoy this and also not care about the pain".
He nods and i bit into his neck drinking his blood.
"You too good to kill which is why i want you alive" i said. "Thank you continue as you were and you have no idea how them marks got there"
I am having fun.

After have a lot of the parties blood i actually feel really good. I am smiling having fun and i think this is how to be a vampire.
"Hey trouble you seem to be doing exeptionally well" damon smirks.
"So have i proved i am a proper vampire to you yet?" i question.
"In reality you were but now i think you have learnt very well, soo i think its time to do something useful dont you?" He grins.
"That is?" I said curiously.
But he kisses me and i actually couldn't have wanted any thing better.
"How about we take our party back to the boarding house" he whispered to me.
"We definately should" i laughed.

We get to the boarding house and start all over again, however i think this is better than being human.
"I think i like you as a vampire" he smirked.
"And that's good because your seeing a side i never showed you" i smiled.
We go to damon's room and you can make a guess from there.

Serena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now