Chapter 15: problems only get worse

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"We are here to save you" i said and we unlock them out of the cages apart from rebekah.
"Well don't leave me here!" She refuses.
"Ughh, then as soon as your out you get away, before i kill you" i smiled and unlocked her. "3.. 2" then she was gone.
"Now let's get you both home" i said. "You seemed like you had a rough day".
"Oh yeah, well hopefully it's not blood bags with some tv" she sighed.
"Do you want to be a vampire?" I asked.
"Do i have a choice?" She sighs.
"Well yes, either you have to die or turn" i shrugged.
"Fine i am going to be a vampire." She blurts. "I am going to do it"
"Ok well first of you need to feed." I tell her.

Nothing seems the same around here recently. Especially how my supposible best friend killed my sister and i am worried she won't suvive this what so ever and also that she can't cope even if she loses her humanity too. Also today is the day of the funral of some of the council that have died. I want her to be ok but i know that i don't know weather she can do it.

I prepare myself as i get in my black dress.

I knew it was the right choice as we all head to the church.
"It's ok, we can do this i know we can" jeremy nods.
"Yeah we are all strong even our head of the council" i smirked at damon.
"I still can't believe he managed that" jer sighed.
"Well little gilbert if you forgot i am here you know" he sighed.
"Quiet damon it's starting." I hissed.
Things were going ok although we were all on edge something would go wrong.
"I can smell blood" i tell damon.
"I think i noticed that" he rolled his eyes and elena looks uncomfortable.
"She is hungry?" I asked.
"Feed of me" matt answered.
"You sure?" Elena said.
"Yes" he nods.
She makes herself look like she is crying but she still feels uneasy.
"Now is that it or is there more to worry about?" Damon sighed.
"The blood smell" i said.

After the church incident and the random man turning up i went after damon who was fixed on him.
"You found him?" I smiled.
"Yep, and he is a diffcult one" he nods.
"I think we can tell by that" i smirked.
"Damon" stefan yells.
"Really" he muttered and he turns away from the man and as he stabs damon i try to get him.
"You won't get away" i hissed ready to bite his neck. But he pushes me away. As i get back up he's gone.
"Did you find him?" Stefan asked.
"Before you destracted damon yes we had him he got away" i sighed and returned to my natural form.
"Something tells me we need to keep that guy alive" damon says.
"What damon that guy is crazy" i sighed.
"You try saying your a vampire to normal people looking like that so who looks more crazy?" He asks.
"Whatever" i rolled my eyes. All the drama is killing me. And too seriously.

Well long time no see diary well there is a lot that has gone on. Including the fact that me, damon and stefan nearly died only we didn't.. funnily enough we are still here, and besides that elena is now a vampire, it's been a hard first few days but we are going to help her i know she can do this, i really hope there is a way she can do this and suvive after all. It will take time depending on how much of that we got. I am counting on stefan to teach her the right way.

A few weeks after that problem, things no become very much quiet thats until, rebekah came back to life again.
My phone buzzes.
"Yes who is this?" I sighed.
"Long time no see my friend" rebekah said.
"This funny to you?" I snapped.
"Not unless, i want you to come to the school" she says brightly.
"And what is that to prove?" I answered.
"That your a blind bitch to not realise this" she sighed. "Also stefan, elena, april and carolins there all here".
"You kidnapped them?" I gasped. "Not exactly, all i want to know is about a cure now get here" she said and i rolled my eyes.
I thought for a second then i remembered she wanted to know about the cure for vampirism.

Serena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now