Chapter 12: The Truth

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"What are you talking about?" He sighed.
"Oh believe me damon, i can't believe i wasted my time falling for the bad boy, who i know really just loves me sister" i laughed. "It's like a joke isn't it?"
"No joke what's your catch?" He asked.
"No catch just you, i knew it took a while but even without humanity it wouldn't take a genious to guess" i smiled.
"Oh yeah?" He questions. "It doesnt stay off forever and i won't let it".
"Give up damon!" I cried. "You lost me boo hoo just let me go".
"No" he shakes his head. "Because you would have to try and stop me which is why i should care so much for elena but your my girlfriend and i just want old you back fun with emotions."
"I can't let you do this get in my head" i shaked my head.
"I wouldn't be trying to get in your head if i done this" he said going towards me and kisses me. It has been so long i switch off my humanity because i had no love but was i ready to switch it back on and let him in?
"Damon..." i stopped.
"No you can either use your superspeed and get out of here or you can take my hand and we can have a lot of fun" he says. "If you had no humanity in you, i think you would have been long gone."
I kissed him back and it seemed so long why did i switch it off all the things i said ways i spoke to peopls wasn't me.
"God what have i done damon" i sighed. "This last year and a half i thought things were finally getting so much better for me i got myself to turn it of to become more fun."
"You don't need to become more fun" he says. "Serena you already are, we are both simlar we have our ways of being a dick and also love for human blood but we both can't help feel so much the same as each other".
"Damon.. i am.. so..s" i stutter.
"No don't even start do you want to talk about it?" He asked.
"Yes i do, it all started the day i met klaus we were talking at this bar out of town we talked and he said i wasn't the person to have guilt so that's what i done i thought this is it no one cares any more and all my guilt goes away so we came to agreement and i became this different side i suppose it's been stuck with me for a while until well now, the last i remember of us properly together was the arguement and the breif chat i suppose, i missed you damon". I explained.
"I missed you too, but how did some kiss help you?" He asked.
"Because i love you and love is the strongest feeling i have" i shrugged. "Any way salvatore, what are we waiting for?"
"Oh now is it?" He smiled. "I am supposed to be be guarding my girlfriend."
"Well i think there is a lot your girlfriend wants" i smirked. "And i think that is i want all if your right now".
"Right now?" He laughed. "Sure i will have to see if i am busy"
"Damon!" I groaned.
"Let's go" he smirked. "Jokes over".

Not realising it is morning or realising any thing, i am cuddled up close to damon. And it feels good.
"Morning" i smiled.
"Morning to you it's a suprise considering i have always had one empty side" he shrugged.
"Is that so?" I joked.
"Also here you will need this" he nodded and pulling something out of his bed side draw. My ring.
"I know why you done it" i nodded and slipped it on.
"Great well by now stefan should have noticed." He nods but we go out of damons room and someone was quick at trapping me.
"Sleeping with the enemy damon?" Stefan says.
"Relax brother she is fine" damon says.
"Is elena here?" I asked.
"Ok your normal" stefan says. "No she is at home."
"You boys mind me seeing her?" I asked.
"Not at all come back when your done." Damon says and i go home to see elena.

Nervous i knocked on the door.
"I will get it" i hear elena say as she opens the door. "Serena?"
"Oh elena!" I said smiling. "It's ok i am fine now".
"God i missed you" she says coming out and hugged me. "I am still mad though".
"That's how i wanted you to feel" i laughed. "Everything i said i am sorry."
"It's ok" she says and goes back inside and i tried to walk in but i was trapped.
"Elena" i said.
"Oh yeah" she sighed. "You can come in".
"Thanks" i smiled. "It's so weird being back."
"Nothing much has changed besides just me and jer on our own and your living with stefan and damon" she tells me. "How is that for you?"
"What living with the amazing salvatore brothers?" I laughed. "You would love it, every day is crazy especially i will be one day 100 or something one day"
"You get to live forever and watch us grow up" she smiles and i couldn't ask for anything more." She said hugging me again.
"Elena, who was it?" Jeremy calls and then comes down stairs. "Serena!"
"Jeremy!" I cried and hugged him.
"Look we are going to be a real family even if i am..." i trailed off.
"A vampire we will love you the same" jeremy nods. "It's who you are and i accept it".
"Thanks jer" i said. "I think about now we need to all have sometime away from school for a family day".
"That would be just amazing" i nodded.

Serena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now