Chapter 18: elena switches.

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"I am out guys, countinue with out me" i sighed. "If you find the cure call me."
I walk towards near the beach area and call caroline.
"Serena, hey what's up?" She asks.
"I can't do it no more care" i began. "It's not right, i want the cure but... i don't think this is how it should be"
"Trust me it kills me to see anyone with damon" she agreed. "But the sire bond will be gone."
"And the seriousness?" I questioned.
"Maybe not" she shrugged. "I am here for you"
"Thanks care" i smiled. "I... hang on, someone else is here."
"What?" Care asks.
"It's katherine she is here" i gasped.
"Katherine" care gasps too.
"They will be on there way to cave and so is she, look i will keep you updated, i have a 500 year old vampire to catch"
"Ok good luck" she said.
"Thanks i will need it" i said putting the phone down.
I place the phone in my pocket, i needed to find katherine before she gets them.

After speeding around i made it, she had already got there. Then dropping in the hole there was the crazy shane.
"You seen katherine?" I asked.
"She went that way" he said. And i walked most of the way as he calls:"no wait, help me!"
"No chance " i muttered.
Luckily i manage to see her.
"Hello katherine" i smiled.
"Serena gilbert" she sighed. "No suprise what do you want"
"Hm well let's just ask you the same question" i retort.
"You don't need to know any thing" she laughs. "So i will be on my way."
She starts walking and i go towards being in front of her.
"Oh wow, nice trick but i don't really care" she sighed. "Because guess what, i can do it too".
And she got away.
I try to catch up and she was already there and had jer close to a stone person, silas.
"Don't do it katherine" i hissed.
"Hmm well don't try me serena, bye bye jeremy" she laughs.
"No!" I yelled and pushed her away trying to get jeremy off him but silas won't let go until he dropped him, and he was completely drained.
"No, jeremy" i cried.
"Is he?" Bonnie asked.
"Your here too?" I asked.
"I couldn't move, until katherine helped me" she sighed.
"I can't do this to elena" i tell her. I bit my wrist and try to feed him, but i knew it was too late.
"No" i whispered then yelled. "Someone help!"

Days later...
I can't write it, i just don't know how. I know how much he means to everyone. My brother gone? A year ago i could have laughed. My whole life i never knew what was to happen. First my mom and dad, then jenna, even alaric, now jer? How can so much happen like this? God life isn't how i thouhght to be. It breaks my heart how elena sits there with him, expecting something to happen.. but he is gone and i know how she feels. And i need to stay with humanity.. for elena.

I close the book with tears in my eyes.
"Hey serena, you ok?" Stefan asks. I wipe away my tears quickly.
"Yeah it's all good,what's up?" I tell him.
"No need to hide it" he said. "It's hard for you".
"He is my brother and i wish i was like elena, making myself believe there's hope" i sighed.
"She won't give up" he agreed.
"I know" i muttered.

Elena can't come to terms with it, only as from now she was told and she couldn't do it.
"We are going to make this look like an accident" she says. And throws around a lot of fuel around our home.
"Elena you need to stop this ok, this our house we need to look after it." I tell her. "I will move back in".
"No this can't be a reminder of everything" she shakes her head amd strikes a match.
I blow it out before it drop.
"We can figure it out" i smiled. "Just us"
She nods but begins to cry and everyone looks at damon.
"Ok elena you need to turn it off, turn it all off" damon tells her.
"Damon" i hissed but she stands montionlessly.
"What else would i do?" Damon he argued. She picks up a match and strikes it, and it hits the floor covered in fuel as the flames rapidly spread.
There was no choice but to leave jeremy and get out the house quickly.
My brother was completely gone and without an actually funral... she burnt his body alive.

Serena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now