Chapter 14: learning

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We finally get back to mystic falls and i don't know how i want to feel but i want to see her. I ran into the hospital as soon as we parked up. As i got to the desk i was mostly worried i was too late.
"Can i help you?" And it was a doctor.
"My sister is elena gilbert where is she?" I demand.
"Follow me there is a lot of complications" she said and damon followed behind me.
We go to elena's room.
"Elena!" I cried. "Your ok"
"About that" stefan says.
"I am ok but i am still.. i should have died." She cried. "I can't do this".
"Wait she is.." i trailed off.
"I can't be a vampire" she shakes her head i should have died in the car".
"No you shouldn't i am so glad your alive." I said.
"You don't understand serena you love being a vampire, so does caroline and damon" she says. "I am so scared i can't do this".
"Yes you can, your in transition but do you want to be a vampire?" I asked.
"No i don't" she says.
"Who did this any way?" Damon asked.
"Rebekah" she said.
"I will be right back" i hissed.
"Serena" elena called.
I walk out the room and i knew what i was going to do rebekah was dead to me.
"Serena you don't have to do this" stefan sighed standing behind me.
"She desevres everything she gets and yet my sister shouldn't have been any where near that bridge and now she is a vampire she won't cope".
"But getting revenge on rebekah won't fix that". He points out.
"Oh i am not going to for just that i have a lot more i am mad about, let me go stefan" i said and he did.
"Alright love?" Klaus said.
"Don't klaus your sister is no longer then good guy" i sighed.
"Ah well i thought i heard you come in" rebekah smiled and i grabbed her and punched her.
"Don't worry i haven't for got you are an orignal." I smiled. "I want to see you suffer for eternity".
"What do you mean?" She gasped.
"Oh rebekah what have you done now" klaus laughed. "Go for it i am here all day"
"You made them fall of the bridge and got elena nearly killed well now she is a vampire that's not what she wants." I snapped.
"Be thankful she is alive" rebekah hissed. "I see your humanity is back".
"Oh trust me it is and it's back because i will get my revenge, "bestie" so watch your back our i will stake before you know it" i smiled. "This isn't over".
I smiled.
"Then good look on your own" she said. "Maybe katherine was right about you, just the salvatore's spare bitch".
"Rebekah i think that's enough" klaus warned.
"Believe me, you don't know anything about me" i grit my teeth.
"No?" She questions. "You were just a vunrible human, you think you know everything about being a vampire so i suppose consider your the new it girl of the school maybe fits you perfect".
"Rebekah enough!" Klaus yelled. "Unless you want me to stake you before she does i suggest you be quiet you done enough"
"Thank you klaus" i nodded and turned back to rebekah. "This is only the beginning".

Damon P.O.V
"Serena, noticed you haven't answered the phone but just don't go all crazy on rebekah because that's that she want's you to do, but also just call me back i need you and this is important" i sighed and knock off the call. Picking up a glass i fill it full of wisky all prepared for the worst however...
"Any wisky for me?" A voice says.
"Serena" i sighed of relief and kissed her. "Don't do that to me, i thought rebekah was going to rip you to sreads."
"I believe it's me who is taking her down bit by bit" i smirked. "Where's stefan and elena?"
"That's the thing.. i don't know" i shrugged and serena's phone goes off.
"Yes?" She answered. "Klaus, i swear i done nothing to her"
"No seriously, she was obviously still.. wait she went for a walk. Right, um i am with damon"
"What's going on?" I mouthed to her.
"Rebekah is missing too" she mouths back.
"Sorry klaus, yeah we are going to look elena and stefan are gone too" she tells him and disconnects the call. "Rebekah has gone too".
"Only one think for it" i said. "A vampire hunter."

Serena P.O.V
We sneak around as people where watching.
"There is an old rusty sort of house try there" i whispered. "I think i can hear cries."
"Let's be quick" he agrees.

We get there and this was the house where we saw a man stand outside it.
"And how we going to pass him?" I sighed.
"Well let's just say we are vampires and supernatural" he shrugs.
"I guessed that" i rolled my eyes.
We both get to the man and he has no time to speak as damon already had him killed taking all of his blood.
"You want any?" He asked.
"Fresh blood, hm who can say no?" I smiles and started to feed on him too. "Now where were we?"
"I can hear them" damon says. "They are wanting to get out and elena is hungry"
"We need her to get out" i nodded at him.
"Well what are we waiting for?" He smiled.
We head towards the place they're stuck in.
"This wont hurt and you will let me kill you" i compell the guard and check for vervain and drained him. "Now let's go".
"Did i tell you i think you suit being a vampire?" He asks.
"No but thanks i am glad that was said" i shrugged.
"Bad ass in a good way" he agreed. "Suits you".
"Stop the comments" i rolled my eyes.

Serena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now