Chapter 22: Graduation and leaving?

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The day finally arrived. Graduation. And i wasn't at all ready for it, leaving my life was one thing but what was i supposed to do next?
I put on the graduation gown and cap.
"You will do great" damon said from behind.
"Thank you" i smiled. "It was if you read my mind".
"That's not likely but if you believe that" he jokes.
"Don't even think about it" i smiled.
"Serena you..." he started then whispered "ready".
"Stefan wow you look amazing, and smart" i smiled and he came over and kissed my cheek.
"Why thank you" he jokes. "You ready to graduate?"
"I think i am more than any thing" i nodded and pull on my black heel and left the room and thanked damon.
As we both headed down stairs towards elena and jeremy who is now well and alive.
"Is care already there?" I asked.
"Yeah with matt and bonnie" elena nods.
"Ok let's go" i said and stefan drives us to the school.

As we arrived there was rivers of people were in red. I smiled and as we get out the car caroline rushes over.
"I still can't believe this, we made it all of us!" Care said to me. "Come and join the group."
"Hey guys and serena" matt said.
"Yeah i am here too" i nodded.
"Ok we are finally graduates i could't have picked better people to graduate with!" Bonnie said.
"Aw group hug" caroline smiles.
"I don't do hugs" stefan sighed.
"Oh sure you do!" Caroline says and we all laughed and all hugged each other close.
We join the other people as we all take a seat and they go through most peoples names. Then all of our friends.
"Bonnie bennet"
"Matt donavan"
"Caroline Forbes"
We all cheered and clapped loudly and then came up "elena gilbert!" And i cheered loudly.
"That's my sister!" I yelled and clapped.
"Serena gilbert" and i was next and went up smiling.
I looked at all my friends cheering at me and i felt amazing and wanted to cry, this was it, i graduated high school.
I went back down and stefan kissed me.
"I am so proud of you" he whispered.
"Thank you" i whispered back and care gave me a hug as she sat next to me.
And going down the list and finally  out of all of us.. "stefan salvatore!"
He stood up and as everyone clapped i cheered so much for him and was so happy. That was the last time that we were all together at high school and it felt great.
He came back down and i smiled at him.
"I need to talk to you" he says to me. "After this."
"Ok what is this about?" I questioned.
"You will see."he says.

We get back to the boarding house a bit later that day.
"So what's this about?" I asked.
"Remember how you spoke about leaving mystic falls?" He tells me.
"Yeah of course i remember that was only a few days ago" i nodded.
"Well i was wondering should we leave together?" He suggests.
"Both of us you really want to do it?" I smiled.
"Of course i do" he said.
"Then yes i would love to leave with you stefan" i said.
"Well we leave tonight" he says.
"I will get packing straight away." I smiled. And i get out my suitcase pulling out everything i needed to take with me. And with in an hour i was ready.
"Whoa whoa whoa were you off to?" Damon questions.
"I am leaving with stefan" i said.
"And when was this planned?" He sighed.
"Ages ago i want you and elena to be happy we will be back soon we wont leave forever" i smiled.
"Ok well if you're sure" he said.
"Your leaving?" Elena gasped.
"Yeah i want you and damon to have the best summer together possible ok you desevre it and i will come back an visit i promise". I tell her.
"Ok fine remember text and call every day!" She sighed.
"Thank you" i smiled.
"You ready to go ser?" Stefan asks.
"I am ready" i nodded. And went down with all my things. Going out side i finally see stefan and both elena and damon follow behind me.
"Miss you already" elena said hugging me.
"Don't go all soppy on me i am sure damon will keep you company all summer even jer coming back too" i tell her.
"Fine but look after stefan ok?" She says.
"Of course i will, you all good?" I called to stefan.
"Yeah, take care damon" he says as he comes up to them too.
"I always do brother." Damon nods. "Serena".
"Yeah?" I answered looking up at him.
He hugs me.
"Take care of yourself" he whispers.
"You know me i can do anything" i laughed and let go of him. "We better go stefan before i start getting teary.
We hop in stefan's car.
"Ready for one crazy summer?" He asks me.
"Oh i am alright" i smiled and gave them a wave as we left the boarding house.

We stop the car near a river bank as we take a stop and noticed someone.
"Who is that?" I asked. "Who's there?"
"Hello twin self, serena" he smiled.
"Is that?" I gasped.
"Silas" stefan said. He try to attack silas.
"Stefan you're forgetting you are just a silly vampire and i am completely immortal" he cackles.
He pushes him in the safe and locks it.
"No" i screamed and he pushes me away.
He pushes it in the water and turns to me as i go in the water to try and search for him.
I hear him hitting at the safe but before i know it i am drowning too as i am chained to the safe, trying to cry for help was useless...

A/N: and this is the end, i am going to do a sequal after this so keep a look out for that :)

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