Chapter 11: prepared to fail

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We head there now but on the way pull out a blood bag from my school bag and we head in the classroom.
"They think something is going on with klaus." I began and started drinking.
"That's stupid there going to  use you!" She sighed
"Well what can i say" i shrugged "i don't have a lot i can really do about it."
"I noticed, look just act normal, also don't let them know about you" she said.
"I think that's too hard to pretend that isnt it, once it's gone it's gone they noticed i am be coming a dick"
"Oh serena what have you done" she cried. "They will know".
"And do you think i will care?" I asked.
"This was exactly what i was afraid of" she says. "We weren't best friends because your no control of emotions".
"I already told you i don't care any more, i am free and i don't need anything or any one to stop me" i smiled.
"You get on with your life" she calls. "But just so you know, until your emotions are still off stay away from me".

Stefan P.O.V
"That was not my sister at all stefan something or someone has replaced her" elena sighed.
"Well as far as i know i agree she never left mystic falls being so bitchy" caroline agreed. My phone buzzes.
"It's rebekah" i said.
"Answer." Elena nodded.
"Hey, come to tell us what we can or can't do?" I began.
"No actually" she replied. "There is something you all need to know about serena".
"And that is?" I questioned.
"You have no idea do you?, the being such a spoilt brat and being to overly annoying girl" rebekah sighed. "Her humanity is off."
"That's impossible" i gasped.
"Let's just say actually it isn't so my mother causing problems all the time i am worried it is now serena" she said.
"So when did you think it happened?" I asked.
"Probably when she was away maybe when klaus started going on about no guilt i know he said it because it's what he does, i think it's to late" she sighed. "Any way i thought you all should you know i will keep an i on her though".
"Thanks we will need it and we need her stuff delivered here me and damon need to keep a close eye on her" i said and knock off the call.
"What's going on brother?" Damon asks.
"Serena, i think we need to keep an eye on her" i sighed.
"Why what's happend?" Elena asked.
"She's turned off her humanity" i tell elena.
"She turned it off?" Elena gasped.
"She has had it off for a while" i nodded.
"There is no way we can get her back" damon sighed.
"We will find a way" i argued. "Until then if she is going to go to the homecoming dance then i think we need caroline around all the times." I explained.
"Got it" elena nods. "Just be careful"
"You know stefan always careful" damon adds.

Serena P.O.V
So there is a lot of things i forgot to mention, a year ago on the kill and compell/ bite and compell, i also switch off my humanity i think it was the best thing i ever done. Although there is a lot for me to know, i think it's certianly time to begin telling some truths of this. Having no humamity means no guilt just being the bad girl in it all. Yet killing people is also is at it's best. I feel nothing at all no pain, anger or anything i did. Emotions and feelings of things are just weak so tonight is the night of the dance. It's going to be more fun maybe a bit bloody too. I think it is time to cause abit of trouble maybe?
I close my diary and smiled, i love this idea of no feelings why didn't i do this earlier i can do whatever i like, which is why i think i have a plan for tonight at the dance i am going to suprise everyone.

That night...
Putting everything in place including my dress which is black and white with my hair curled and my lips which are red.

I think it means i am ready to cause trouble.
"I don't think i need to worry then" damon said.
"Oh damon you do know it would be nice if you knocked, but by all means" i smiled.
"Yeah well i think we need to talk nice you got rid of your humanity" he sighed.
"Oh believe me" i rolled my eyes. "You just noticed?"
"Maybe yeah i just did notice serena because right now your more of a dick than i am" he said.
"Oh yeah?" I sighed "You know all about that".
"And i know all about this" he said and he wrapped vervain around my neck.
"Damon!" I screamed then he knocked me out.

"Morning sunshine" damon says and i felt weak. "You didnt want to be here but you're going to have to and i am the only one who has guarded you".
"Really?" I sighed.
"Yep stefan and elena are at the dance and you are stuck with me, suprise".
"Yeah also suprise when i realised something"
"What's that?"
"Stefan isn't the only one in love with elena, because you are too"i smirked.

Serena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now