Chapter 7: leaving mystic falls.

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We get to the place where it's held and i see elena getting ready.
"Elena, you are killing it right now, you got this" i said hugging her.
"Thank you, with all the support of you three and the girls i wouldn't have done this" she says hugging me back.
"Elena we all support you no matter what!" I smiled. "We love you".
"Yeah, also do you know about stefan?" I asked.
"Too much, he isn't himself, it's worrying" i lied.
"He hasn't i am worried i set him of to be come a monster" she sighs.
"You saved him elena it will just take time" i tell her.
"I suppose" she shrugs. And stefan arrives.
"I will leave you two to talk" i nodded.
This won't go well.

Later the girls were stood waiting for there escotes and it went though everyone.
"Where's stefan?" I hissed.
"Not here" damon sighed.
"Elena Gilbert and her escorte Stefan Salvatore" the person announces.
"I got this" he whispers to me and take elena's arm and i smile sort of. I have no clue where stefan is but i am pretty sure i need to find him before i have very much heightend jealousy.
I walk out the doors and see a bunch of parked cars and rushed over.
"Stefan?" I questioned. And it was him.
"Serena" he gasped. And his eyes are red and blood is dripping around his mouth and vein are starting to form around mine at the sight of it.
"Mind sharing" i smirked.
"I wouldn't at all" he agreed smiling. I don't get the guilt like some vampires but i am hoping stefan doesn't either.
"What am i doing?" He sighs letting go.
"Come on stefan it's so much better than to be the good guy" i smiled.
"The good guy?" He asked. "That's something i never will be".
"Good because i don't think we need that" i smiled and before we know it, it is getting dark and two people are heading towards us.
Damon and elena.
Elena stares at horror mostly more at stefan than me but i couldn't bare to look at elena's face of disappointment in stefan.
He looks at elena upset and goes as far away for us as possible and elena goes after him.
"Damon shouldn't we..." i began.
"No i think you done enough, you know how much elena cares for him." Damon says looking at me as if he is angry.
"I know, look sorry i wasn't thinking, damon you know me right?" I asked.
"I thought i knew who you were, but clearly i don't think i do know you serena" damon answers and walks away. I have messed up.

Later that day
I thought today was going to be that day where everything was right. Just hours ago damon was smiling and was happy about my dress and clearly something about my atitude didn't go down well. I thought with being a vampire i could be stronger and more better than the girl i was however i think i got caught up and damon has seen it all. Which is why i think i might leave mystic falls.

Putting down my pen i sighed and i knew i would have to say something.
To damon, elena, stefan, jeremy and jenna

I will miss you all so much but i have to do what's right, a change of scene might help, i won't be reachible for a while but promise me you all will be safe including you damon and stefan you will protect my family at all costs. Good bye everyone.

Serena xx

I get some clothes and put them in a bag and set of to leave and get in my car with tears in my eyes. I can't bare it but it was a good choice to make.

Damon P.O.V
When we get home i expected serena to be here and it's unusally quiet, her car is no longer out front either and there is a note. I pick it up and read it.
"No" i sighed and called elena.
"Hey, are you and serena at the boarding house?" She asked.
"About that..." i began. "Serena has left mystic falls."
"What!" Elena  gasped. "Me and stefan are coming".

Elena and stefan arrive and i am feeling mostly in worry.
"So she's gone?" Stefan sighed.
"We kinda argued and everything of hers is gone" i explain. "And so is she".
"What do you mean, she can't have disappeared because of an arguement with you?" Elena says in confusion.
"It's guilt, she isn't the type for it but she is guilty her weakness is hurting the people she loves" stefan explains. "Meaning she blames her self for me attacking that person and upsetting you".
"No i didn't mean it like that" i sighed.
"What are we going to do?" Elena asked.
"Leave her to come back in her own way" stefan nods. "I know she will he back when she finds herself".
"But what am i supposed to do witg out her stefan she is my sister, the one other person i went for guidence even if she is a vampire" elena sighed.
"We only hope for the best" he tells us.

Serena P.O.V
I managed to get out of town just away somewhere for a while, and i head into a bar sighing and reconsidering this.
"Alright love" a guy with a british accent comes over.
"And who are you?" I asked with interest.
"Niklaus but you can call me klaus" he smiled and lowered his voice. "Vampire too?"
"How did you guess?" I smiled.
"Not hard to find" he shrugged. "Here let me buy you a drink".
"You sure?" I asked.
"Yes i am sure" he nods.
"Ok well a wisky then, it helps to stop my cravings " i shrugged.
"Two wiskys mate" he calls. "Now i think i need to talk business with you".

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