Chapter 21: New love?

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Stefan P.O.V
After lexi had appeared all i wanted was to hug her as she was there for short time i needed her at this moment.
"I think elena should stuff it you know" she tells me. "What about serena?"
"She is her sister and i think i am not ready" i sighed sitting down and pick up my glass of wisky.
"Of course you are!" She cries. "Come one she is a bad ass vampire, good girls probably aren't your type anyway" she smirks. "I mean rebekah katherine"
"They were mistakes." He sighs.
"But serena won't, just talk to her!" She says.
"Fine fine, do you want to meet her?" He asks.
"Of course i do!" She laughs. "Now go and get her.
So i do and bring her to the room as lexi leaves.
"I wanted to talk about us" i said.
"I know i get you like elena still stefan" she tells me.
"No i wanted to give us a try" i said.
"Wait, what?" She gasped. "You serious?"
"Yeah" i smiled.
"There is only one answer" she tells me and kisses me.
"Woo!" Lexi cheers. "My favourite couple is now together" .
"Lexi" i sighed but smiled at her.
"What that was my final ghostly wish!" She laughs.
"Oh so your the famous lexi" serena asks.
"Of course and your the amazing serena gilbert!" She cried they hugged.
"Wow so i think you should both stop acting like your at some reunion" i said.
"And i think you mr salvatore needs to stop being a grump" serena tells me.
"Maybe i should." I shrugged. "I think we should all drink to us".
"To us" they agreed.
"And your drinking at this time?" Damon says. "Are you drunk?"
"I don't know mom am i?" I joked.
The girls sat laughing and damon seemed less pleased.
"Lighten up damon i think you need to go easy on him" serena says.
"Says his new girl" he rolled his eyes.
"You can't take jealous damon" i smiled at him.
"Ok i think we should let him leave don't you?" Serena questions.
"Whatever fine i think i had enouh of this i am off to find bonnie any way" he sighed.
"Have fun with that" serena smiled at him but he looked at her weirdly.

Serena P.O.V
I was pretty much happy to say me and stefan are now dating and i felt pretty much happy. So before elena came back i called care.
"Hey serena" she says brightly.
"So i have some amazing news" i started.
"Ok, can this wait until i make it to the boarding house because i have good news too" she said.
"Of course" i said. "See you soon".
"See you" she says.
"So you pick caroline for this?" He asks.
"Oh please stefan who else have i got?" I tell him. "Besides pissed off damon".
"I suppose" he nods and with in second there was a knock at the door.
"I have arrived" care smiles.
"Care!" I cried and gave her a big hug.
"Oh serena how gorg are you!" She says and hugs me back. "Well any way i bring good news".
"Ok you first" i said almost wanting to burst of excitment to tell her.
"Ok i managed to get your graduation gown and cap" she cheers and pulls out the scarlet red colour of them.
"This is amazing thank you" i smiled and held them close to me. As graduation was tomorrow i was all prepared for this.
"Of course it's your graduation but i do have to compell the school which i can tell your thankful for so what's your good news?" She asks.
"So, you know how i said that me and stefan sleeping together was a mistake?" I questioned.
"Yeah?" She nods.
"I heard that!" Stefan yelled and walked in.
"God your not making this easy for me" i sighed. "Well we are dating now and i don't think it is a mistake after all".
"What!" She squealed. "Congrats both of you!"
"Thank you i have been waiting to tell you this all afternoon." I said and just then elena comes in confused.
"Ok... why is caroline so excited?" Elena said.
"1. I am offically going to graduate tomorrow with you guys. And 2. Me and stefan are dating". I said.
She hugs me and smiles.
"Wow sis i mean this is such a suprise" she jokes. "I am happy for both of you".
"As am i" lexi says.
"Hey lexi" elena says.
"Hey" she says to elena.
"So as from tomorrow we are going to be high school graduates!" I cried. "Also any one hungry?"
"Actually i am" elena said and both stefan and caroline agreed. Then damon appeared.
"What about you damon?" I asked.
"Yeah, sure" he shrugged as he has a glass of wisky in his hand.
I rush down stairs 5 blood bags. And then returned upstairs.
"The food has arrived drink up" i smiled. And we all drank.
"Damon can i speak to you" i said.
"Um.. yeah i guess so?" He said confused.
We walk out of the room to talk.
"I am ok with you and elena you know" i start. "And i think your both better suited i think we both know you took pity on me at first but also tried to help me as a vampire"
"Yeah but i did genrally like you serena" he points out. "And especially if your a bad ass vampire"
"Well i think your more of a brother to me any way" i smiled.
"I am glad we sorted that" he shrugged.
"Yeah well now we can get on with our lives." I tell him.
We walk back in the room reasuring everyone that we were ok now and nothing was to ruin graduation.

Serena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now