Chapter 19: Losing control

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Elena was no longer herself. She would daily go around acting pretty much like damon.
"Look you being serious about this, she is being too much like you" i sighed.
"And that's supposed to be a complement?" He jokes.
"No joke time" i snapped. "We all have to leave her and sort this mess much later."
"Better i have a plan and i need you trust me" he said.
"Hard but ok.." i rolled my eyes.
"I am taking her to new york while i am on the job obviously your staying with stefan". He tells me
"Of course i am" i said. "Take care of her".
"You know i will" he says.

Later me and stefan wait around for damon to call us back but i had to talk to him.
"Stefan, i was thinking" i started. "If everything isn't back to normal, do you think we should leave town"
"What leave town?" He questioned. "What would you want to leave for?"
"Because i think it just feels right" i tell him.
"I have finish school at least" he sighed."Such as graduating"
"Something i will never be ablr to do" i sighed too.
"No once elena has been sorted we will graduate together including you i will call caroline to pick you a cap and gown" he smiled.
"As much as your my best friend i am glad i have at least you and care" i nodded.
"Now i better make that phone call." He said.
"Ok well loud speaker please" i joked.
"Or i just pass the phone to you when i am ready?" He tell me.
"Good plan" i nodded.
"Hey caroline, so you know the graduation is coming up?" He asks and then caroline said something.
"Yeah i know damon and rebekah is sorting it but it's not elena i am calling about".
He looks at me really quickly and i look back confused.
"It's serena, she hasn't exactly graduated so i was wondering if she could could come and you sort her a gown and cap?" He asked then turned to me and nodded. "Really, um well that's great thanks i will pass you to her now."
"Care" i smiled. "Hey".
"I think you should owe stefan an apology! You could have asked you have been too much and elena when we sort her i think things are going to be perfect" she says brightly.
"Yeah all because of you though" i laughed.
"No not all about me, any way how you doing?" She asked. "Especially after..."
"Oh i am great of course, i do miss jer so much i want him here to make elena happy, well.. when she is with damon in new york right now, and with rebekah" i sighed.
"Ok definately something that should mix and the 3 biggest bad people at the moment." She tells me
"Well exactly what i thought" i rolled my eyes. "anyway.. i have to go damon is calling".
"Bye" she calls and left the call.
"What's happening?" Stefan asks then i switch the call to damon's
"Hey damon?" I questioned.
"Serena?" He answered. "This is stefan's phone"
"I pretty much guessed." I laughed.
"Let's just say my car has been stolen" he says.
"Wait what?, who would do that?" I asked.
"Elena and rebekah" he answered shortly.
"And you decided them two to be together you know what rebekah is like?" I protested.
"I know ok i am worried about where they are going" he argued. "Anyway if you don't mind keep us updated" i tell him.
"I will, call you later" he said.
He cuts the call and i tell stefan all about it.
"Now this was exactly not what we needed" stefan answered.
"I know well, i suppose it's all up to him." I shrugged.
"Yeah i would wait until we here something." He agrees.

Days later they return with no changes and after elena nearly killing caroline.. i think it was safw to say that she stays in the basement.
"How long is this going to go on" i sighed.
"I don't know i have tried everything" damon said.
"One think we haven't" stefan says.
"No way are we getting her to help". I snapped.
"Too late salvatore lover" katherine grins. "I am here to help her".
"And don't you ever knock" i rolled my eyes.
"Don't you ever stop complaining?" She returns. "Anyway i am 500 years on than you".
"I didn't need you to show off" i sighed. "Just do what you need to".
"Of course i will" she smiles and goes down to elena.
"Anyone hungry?" I asked.
"Yeah, i think we could all do with some blood right?" Stefan shrugs and pull out the blood bags.
"I will have the rest of yours stefan" i tell him.
"Thanks" he said. And we all feed while waiting for katherine in akward silence.
"Yeah she is a tough one, i think i like her better now" she smiles. "And that has actually made me really hungry"
I throw her a blood bag.
"Drink up katherine" i smiled a fake smile.
"Sure i will" she rolls her eyes and leaves when she is done.
"I have a plan" damon says. "And this involes one person that elena loves and we need to be convincing".
"Ok what's the plan?" I asked.

Serena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now