Chapter 5: "No worries"

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I wake up and smiled.
"Damon Salvatore you always been good at driving people insane" i said, putting my arms around him.
"Since when was that a bad thing?" He asked in his morning voice which makes me smile.
"Never" i laughed.
The curtains were drawn open.
"How did..." i trailed off and look up the same time as damon.
"Morning damon i see you found company?" Stefan smiled slightly.
"Oh yeah, what is there a problem?" He says and covers his eyes.
"No not really, besides finding out my girlfriends sister is becoming like you not a good thing" he shrugged.
"At least she has control, i mean what do you expect her to do be come a saint stefan minion?" He asked.
"Will you both stop it!" I cried. "Look stefan it's my fault i done this i let myself get caught up in all the blood at the party last night"
"Damon" stefan hissed. "You crazy she could have had herself exposed".
"Oh yeah well that should be least of our worries" damon smiles.
"And what should be the big problem damon?" Stefan asked.
"Maybe i am" a voice says sort of like elena.
"Elena, your not the problem, you never done anything.." he says in confusion and damon swifly gets out of bed with just his pants on and starts to put on his shirt and moves close to elena.
"Katherine" he spat.
"No is that not elena?" I questioned.
"No it's definately katherine" and he pins her to the wall. "Why you here?"
"Nice damon, nice one" she says struggling. "Now i think you know i am back what have i missed a new girlfriend".
"That's rich coming from you who ditch the salvatore's" i smiled.
"What are you the salvatore brother's new bitch where's the other one?" She laughs wickedly. "She going to turn too?"
"No you leave my sister alone" i snapped now get out!"
"Oh yeah a house for vampires i am going no where" she smiled.
"And i think you were just leaving" damon says with a small smile.
Katherine sighed and smiled sweetly.
"Damon you can be a dick when u want to be" she says.
"I guess" he said.
And just on time.
"Any of you seen serena because i am seriously worried and i...oh" elena stops. "Serena?"
"I think we have a long story to tell" damon whispers.
"You do and i think i might need to get completely ready first" muttered.

I get changed and meet the boys in the lounging room.
"Hey, so where do we start?" I asked.
"You never told any of us where you were going, and damon you have no got self control there is a lot of questions from parents that went to a party out side of town because some people have scarves and there shirt collors really high!" Elena cried. "You never came home  and you expect me to think it's ok you and damon are together?"
"You know what elena yes i think it does considering about 2 days ago you only mentioned all this to me"
"That isn't the problem here!"
"So spear me the details elena what is the problem, damon?"
"Damon has nothing to do with this"
"Look tell jenna i am ok i am in control of this ok" i sighed. "Also let jer know i love him"
"That's it?" She gasps your leaving us?"
"I am thinking of staying with damon for a bit" i smiled.
"He isn't the good guy here serena"
"Well what you wanting me to do fake a relationship?" I asked.
"Just pointing out we are here" damon says.
"Yeah, i think your girls are worse than us" stefan jokes.
"No one is like us brother" damon answers.
"Whatever i give up, just look out for her stefan" elena sighed. "I am of to school".
"Let my give you a ride" stefan says.
"Sure see you both later" elena mumbles.
Elena leaves the house with stefan as me and damon on are looking at each other.
"I wish a lot of things weren't heightend" i smiled.
"Well you need to learn to get use to it" he tells me.
"What would i do without you" i laughed. "You got any blood bags?"
"Yeah only a few, don't you think you should slow down?" Damon sighed.
"Slow down? I have control i know what i am doing damon" i said.
"Be careful what you wish for sometimes being a vampire changes you" he shrugs.
"I am not going to change so no worries, i am still the same person i was right?" I question not even knowing the answer myself.
"Any way shouldn't have you been at school" he asks.
"Oh yeah i need to get ready first i nodded. "Can i borrow the car?"
"Sure i will get your name on it too" he says with sarcasium.
"Look we will talk about this later" i sighed.
I brush my hair puting it all back and straightening it and put on my white t-shirt and  zip up black dress with some read lip stick and some mascara and black eye liner around my eyes and stuck on some fake nails and my black boots.

I brush my hair puting it all back and straightening it and put on my white t-shirt and  zip up black dress with some read lip stick and some mascara and black eye liner around my eyes and stuck on some fake nails and my black boots

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"I thought this was school not a fashion day?" Damon asks.
"New impression of being back at school after all" i shrugged and put my arms around him. "See you back here at 4?"
"Of course" he sighs and gives me a quick smile and a kiss. "Miss you already"
"So do i" i smiled. "Laters"
I get in the car and head of to school. I felt excited but this new style too i felt it very much suited me.

I get to school and parked the car as i smiled and take my bag out of the back and  lock the car.
"You sure you should be back here?" A voice says. Stefan.
"Of course i should stefan i wouldn't miss school for the world" i said.
"I just don't want you to make the same mistake as me" he sighed.
"Thanks for the consern but i got this, i won't switch off my humanity" i tell him.
"That's what i am afraid of" he mutters.
"I will be fine get back to elena" i smiled.
"Ok, as long as your alright" he smiled and walked away. I was more than alright. I was 100% amazing.

Serena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now