Chapter 9: Guess who's back?

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"What is this, do you know him?" Klaus asked.
"Of course i know him, stefan salvatore from mystic falls like me" i said. "But how!"
"I am a cure of a werewolf bite he sacrificed his self to work for me" he explains isn't that right stefan, your all yourself again".
"I suppose so, any way so this is where you have been serena with klaus?" He asked.
"What do you expect stefan no one liked my actually personality klaus took me in" i argued. "Damon and elena aren't half bothered there will be too into each other i think i rather be here now".
"Sounds about right so you been killing of people like i have?" He asked.
"Your killing people?" I questioned.
"To serve klaus but it also just for the fun human blood is powerful don't you think?"
"If you put it that way" i smiled. "Your getting used to the good stuff".
"Hm well you sure damon won't like what your doing?" He said.
"Oh this is no game stefan i can do what i like" i smiled.
"There is no time for stuff like this" someone says and it was a blonde haired girl who appeared.
"Ah, everyone meet rebekah my sister" klaus says.
"Stefan, it's been a while hasn't it and oh who are you?"
"Serena Gilbert" i smiled. "So rebekah i think we have a lot of getting along to do".
"I should think so" she agreed.

Months later.
You ever felt so scared about something that you just want to stay away. Going home is my biggest fear. Stefan seemed off his head more than any thing but i found out it's because he's the ripper and all the list of names he left in this cupboard door in his flat yeah i think i could tell. I also only want everything to go back to normal so, i am coming home for school now. Rebekah when i last seen her i just met her. She has done so much, yet i can't tell weather she is the good or bad guy because we spoke to a lot and i don't think there is much i can do about a lot of things but that's it i don't know how damon will feel or elena or stefan will now but i think i am ready, i am ready to come back.

Elena P.O.V
"It's been months since we seen her damon i think i am more worried than any thing" elena sighed. "And school is already  i don't even know what she could be doing!".
"Hang on in my ripper days i seen her, it was me klaus rebekah and she was with them" stefan says.
"Wait no she wouldn't work with klaus." I shook my head. "She had to have been compelled."
"Not compelled she will be with them now but she is not, she is still out there elena she chose to work with klaus, and she never knew how dangerous he was" stefan says.
"Great another klaus obsessed lunitic" domon rolls his eyes.
"So where could she be now?" Elena said. "Who was she close with besides klaus?"
"Rebekah, she was close with rebekah" he said.

Serena P.O.V
"So, you ready for this?" Rebekah asks.
"I would love to repeat senior year" i smiled.
"Great i am coming with you" she says. "First stop will be history".
"I am already a head of you on that" i nodded.
"Perfect good to have you back ser" she laughs. "This school year is going to be so much fun"
"It certainly is" i said.

We arrive  to mystic falls later that night.
"So what's the plan i need to suprise people tonight so where do i stay?" I asked.
"My house" she says. "You also need help with choice of clothing".
"That can be arraged"i nodded and we arrived at rebekah's house as we pull up outside.
"So what you doing after tonight, make amends with damon and sleep with him?" She asks.
"Don't go there i don't really know what damon could be doing my sister looks like katherine she probably has the heart to both of them" i sighed.
"Ah if it isn't the runaway" klaus smiled.
"Klaus" i smirked and ran up to him and gave him a hug. "Bother you been causing now?"
"A lot thsn you would expect love, i suppose after the stefan episode you could say your old friends tried to kill me and there was hell to pay" he said with a small smile that disappeared in seconds. "So what you doing back?"
"Suprising everyone so i decided to stay over, is it a problem?" I asked.
"Not at all rebekah owns it after all" he shrugs.
"Yes it's all mine, one rule though" she says.
"Ok.. what's that?" I sighed.
"There isn't any" she laughs. "Now let's have some real fun."

Waking up the next day in a new room felt far from normal yet all i knew was suprise time.
"Rebekah" i called. "I need your help"
And i waited for her.
"Ok now what should we choose for you to wear?" She says and i smiled.
"That is why you are going to help me" i smiled.
"Good thanks for asking now lets get to work" she nods.

We manage to get me an outfit sorted.

With my blue shorts and black vest i felt it was a suprisingly normal but a good come back

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With my blue shorts and black vest i felt it was a suprisingly normal but a good come back. I pulled a bursh through my hair and let it stay cascading down my back and it was long the way i like it.
"You ready to go?" I asked.
"Yes i am ready of course, i am prepared with what i wear, what about you i think populatrity is about to become your thing". She says.
That was exactly what i am hoping for.

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