Chapter 20: Return of the dead

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I was trusted to stay with matt.
"You got the ring?" I asked.
"Of course i do, you lucky you got that thing off jer before elena burnt the place" he nods.
"Exactly, well it was mostly stefan, but you ready for this?" I asked.
"To what die, trust me i have had too many of them experiences" he laughs. Now all we do is wait.
Then we see them.
"All you do is wait from damon to come.." i trail off.
"And snap my neck" he ends.
We sat in the dark and i could just about see when i switch on the engine and saw it all. She was arguing.
Elena: you wouldn't do it
Damon: oh i think i would.
Stefan: do it
I sat and listened as he snapped matt's neck he was dead and it had all worked.
"Matt!" She cried.
I smiled in the van knowing it worked only all she did was cry. This was my cue.
"Welcome back sister" i smiled.
"You really think this is a good time?" She cries.
"Yes, it is because luckily he is wearing this" i smiled. And she noticed the gilbert ring. "Now let's get back and take matt with us."
We leave the place and she gets in with us.
"He will be ok you know, it takes time." I said.
"I know, i am an emotional wreck right now" she sighs. "I have done too many bad things."
"Well i know how hard it is and we can do this" i smiled. "So at least can we get through graduation together."
"Wait what?" She gasps.
"I am here to join you all, i mean not much hard work to have me on the list" i smiled.
"Serena there is nothing more i would want to do than to graduate with you" she smiled too.
"Well all thanks to care" i tell her.
"Oh poor care i have been such a bad friend, everything is a mess" she sighed.
"Not exactly considering after prom i suppose there is nothing much to say" i smiled.
"I need to sort a lot of things don't i?" She sighes.

Days had pasted and graduation had become close than we thought as well as bonnie's theories of bring back jeremy, only because of silas getting to her head. No one liked silas not even me but it was a simple reason as well as what katherine did and whatever she gets she desevres. And it would be easier to see her suffer more than i think she should. I turn to the diary the one thing i haven't wrote in, for a while but then there was a knock on the door.
"I will get it" i sighed.
"Serena" a familar voice and standing in front of me was my brother, jeremy.
"Jeremy" i said as the tears come down and i am smiling.
"Ser, you ok?" Elena calls as she come from half way across the house and runs to us. "Jer!"
"Elena, sorry i left without a goodbye" he said.
"That doesn't matter now how are you here?" She asks.
"Because a couple things i cant be apart from you, and also i want you girls to talk and sort things not just push it to one side." He says. "I have saw it all, your both vampire and i think if your both going to be together forever then you both need to get along and anyway don't become stefan and damon."
"How about we let you in?" I said and he walks in. "We will sort this out only for a clue of what's got you here"
"Fine" he shrugged.
"Elena.. i think it's ok that you love damon i know things were rocky with me and damon because i forgot to notice it was because he likes you not me" i sighed.
"I am so sorry that it happend to you any way i think i am glad you told me all want is my sister back" she tells me.
"And you do i promise" i nodded.
We hugged and she give me a smile.
"Anyway, you and stefan huh?" She smiled.
"No it was a one off seriously" i said.
"No joke i think you like him too" jer shrugs. "But you know i think he could like you".
"He still loves elena" i refused.
"Or not you never know now i think we nees an explaination" elena says and we both fold our arms looking serious the laughed.
"The vail is down" he explained. "Bonnie put it down".
"What but that releases everyone!" I gasped.
"I know luckily it's only temperary unless it's fully open" he says.
"And guess who i found" damon says and it's alaric.
"Ric?" I smiled.
"I think we all need a family day" he says "so what do you all say to a picnic?"
"I am afraid serena will have to miss out, but you all go ahead" stefan says.
"Oh right yeah you all go enjoy yourself, i will see you all later" i smiled.
"Ok try not to sleep with him this time" elena jokes.
"I won't" i laughed.
I followed stefan, what is this all about?

Serena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now