For me (and you) by me Pt. 1

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It is okay to feel miserable
It is okay to fail
To cry, and to fall on your knees

It is okay to feel lost
It is okay to feel weak.

If you are truly reaching for your dreams
If you are focusing on them

There will be no success without failure
It is part of the road
It is worth it
And It's not a bad thing you should be trying to avoid

You have to become comfortable with failure

Because you will fail another million times
If you finally make the decision
And start to follow your dreams
You will fail and it won't be easy

It is part of success, it is part of life
The only important thing is
The way you gonna take it,
that everytime you fail
How you gonna feel about it
If it learns you or make you step backward

Fail and then be proud that you stood up again
Fail forward
Fail because it is okay
Fail because you want to get somewhere

Failure is success

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