Lose myself tonight

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I am going to lose myself tonight
I'll get drunk and I'll get high

Oh what a life..
We have to deal with
We were born to laugh and cry
And to do both at the same time

Cause life brings us love and darkness
Do not ever want less
Baby just live, cry and laugh
Do whatever it takes

I tried and I'll try it again
But tonight
Just let me buy a bottle of wine
And hold my hand while I cry

Okay? Because before I try..
I wanna get drunk and high
And lie naked by your side

I wanna look you in the eye
And see what I can't see anywhere else
Only in your eyes
In the drunk eyes that I know love me so much

We meet the bottom of the bottle and again I cry and you only you know why.

I'm so happy and lost at the same time

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