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When the sun fades
And the lights are nowhere to find
And the people that have left
Appear to be knocking in our heads
We crave to forget
Our loved ones
That have left us
Just because we have to survive
So we lock the doors
And put a headphones on
Even hearing the knocking is painful
So we never put them down
In order to survive
We don't understand death
They say we don't even try
But how could we
Tell me the trick
Because my heart refuses to stay locked
When there are people dying
And I still live
I want to say hi
But I don't know how
And my hands are frozen
And my heart is numb
I can't do that
Forgive me please
I love and miss you terribly
But I can't let myself think about it
I can't

A whisper of my heartWhere stories live. Discover now