Keep walking

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The cold is running through my body
As I walk on the wet grass
And I'm not really sure
Where am I heading
Where my road directs
I can only guess

So I keep walking
With dreams kept in my head
And fears of all the scars I'm going to get
They are holding me tight
I don't think they will ever leave me
So still I'm shaking
The tears are scrolling down my face

But I keep walking

Ready to face them
I will not let them stop me
But the truth is
I'm shivering
From the cold still coming
I don't know if I ever get use to
All the pain I'm battling

I'm scared of how big it seems to be
How easily I can get lost
What if it's not me
The one who is supposed to be on the biggest top

But this thought
Oh, I'm sending it far away from my spot
Cause even when now
I'm standing barefoot and alone
I still got heart that with every single beat
Won't let me sleep

I need to keep walking
No matter how hard it's going to be
My dreams, I'm going to follow them

Nothing will stop me
Nothing can

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