Strange Killings

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Riley's POV

"The death toll has risen after finding three more victims of the murderer, Eyeless Jack. This time instead of the victim's kidneys their lungs were missing. Eyeless Jack is very sneaky and is very easily over looked. He has a been noted to be very violent and will attack when approached. Please if you-" I shut off the tv in my waiting room ignoring the grumbles of my patients. I am tired of hearing about 'Eyeless Jack'. I live alone so I don't need another thing to fear intruding on me while I slept.

"Sorry people. I'm not listening to another minute of the Eyeless Jack business. You will have to watch it on the five o clock news on your own tv." I announce then calling my next patient. Hmm, seems as though I will be finishing early today. I quickly get my last three patients of the day in and out then get ready to lock up for the night.

"Come on Rafael! Time to go home!" I yell for my German Shepard who holds down the fort behind the main desk in the front office. He hurries out the door to my black land rover, jumping and barking for me to hurry.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I laugh opening the passenger door for him. Once he's in I get in on my side then we head home.

"Ugh I tell ya, this Eyeless Jack bullshit is starting to grate on my nerves Rafael!" I grumble irritably. "I mean how did he even get ash grey skin anyway?! And how does he stalk and kill people if he's 'eyeless'?" I ask dramatically. Rafael gives me a bark in reply.

"I know! This has to be some freak going around doing this stuff. There is no way 'Eyeless Jack' is going around with no eyes." I say pulling into my driveway. My house was about fifteen minutes away from my vet office. I lived a short ways out of the near by town, Thomasville. My house was a two story old Victorian style home with three bedrooms and two baths. It was a little big for little Ol me but I absolutely love it. Ever since this Eyeless Jack character showed up I've been a little on edge. He was known to flee into the woods which is what my home was surrounded by. He could easily break in! Well if he can get past Rafael that is.

I open the passenger door for Rafael to get out. When he jumps from the car he immediately stops, staring out at the woods.

"What's wrong boy?" I ask looking in the same direction. Rafael starts barking madly as I see a quick flash of black in the woods. I gasp as I quickly run to my door to get in my house. "Rafael come!" I order. Rafael does as told, but makes a bee line for the nearest window to stare out. I go around my house locking everything that would let anyone in. I then close all the curtains so no one could see in.

"Holy shit.... what was that... please please please tell me I was just seeing things." I whisper to myself. I feel my heart beating a mile a minute as I make my way to my kitchen to find something to eat. I hear Rafael whine behind me. I chuckle knowing he was watching me prepare food intently.

"Okay, I'll get you some food one sec." I walk over to the bag of dog food and scoop some out with a plastic cup. Rafael prances over as I pour his food into his bowl.

"Now let's see... what will I eat?" I ask myself. I finally settle on some left over spaghetti from the night before. I eat my food while surfing through the channels of my tv. There was NOTHING decent on. I lay down to relax, but soon fall asleep. Unaware of the person lurking near my home.

Jack's POV

Damn it she pulled the curtains closed! Now I can't watch where she is to plan how to get in! Fuck I'm freaking hungry!! I haven't eaten in about four days since I stole those lungs from the three people on town. Man the police sure did take awhile to find them this time.

"Ugh no what?" I question myself as I look for another way into the house. I find a window where the curtain wasn't fully shut. I look through to see I was staring into the living room. There she was! She fell asleep on the couch! Man too easy. On second thought... maybe not so easy.

She locked the window! Since when did she do that?! I've been watching her for the last few days and now suddenly she locks up her house! Fuck it all! I look back through the window only to see her dog staring back at me. His lips pulled back in a snarl, please don't bark please! As if knowing what I was thinking the girl's dog starts barking angrily at me. I just barely see her jump up from surprise at hearing her dog barking.

"Damn it!" I whisper ducking down under the window in hopes that my prey wouldn't see me. "Rafael get away from there! There is nothing out there!" Oh quite the contrary. You just can't see me. When I hear her drag the dog away from the window I slowly get up to look through again, this time I catch a glimpse of her face. Man she was really pretty for a lonely veterinarian..... Too bad I'm gonna eat her organs. I see her dog trot off somewhere else great! I try the window and guess Rafael did! During his barking frenzy he unlocked the window! The girl didn't even notice! I quietly push the window up then crawl through. I wait a moment to make sure I didn't alert the dog. Seeing that I hadn't I walk over to where to girl had fallen asleep again.

I stop when I see her sleeping face up close. She was more than pretty she was beautiful! Shaking the thoughts from head I pull a shot filled with a sedative from my hoodie and quickly inject her arm. Once I know she's not going to wake up I slide her shirt up to give me room to work. Being the weird, twisted, and horny guy I am I gently run my fingers over her stomach to feel the softness of her skin.... STOP IT! I quickly go to work, but I find myself hesitating to cut her open.

"Damn it!" I hiss sitting on the floor trying to figure out why I couldn't just do my thing. I hear the familiar clicks of claws on wood floors and quickly leave back out the way I came. I shut the window and sit on the ground while leaning against the house. My stomach growls painfully to tell me it wants food. Damn damn damn! Maybe I can find another house quickly. I take off into the woods in hopes of finding another victim.

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