In Hiding

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Jack's POV

Me and Riley have been hiding out in my cabin for the last few days. As for now we are safe from the police and Dr. Lee, but Riley has set into her depression again. She sits on the couch in the living room looking totally drained of life. I tried thinking of something that would be fun for her that would also keep us safe.... hmmmm.... GOT IT!

"Hey Riley? Would you like to go walking?" I ask nicely, pecking her forehead. She looked at me blankly then nodded. I took her left hand in my right and lead her out the back door that was in the kitchen. Once you got about a mile from the cabin the trail got really beautiful. Flowers were blooming everywhere and it was just very tranquil. We walked for a good twenty minutes when we finally got to my destination. Riley's eyes widen slightly at the meadow I brought her to.

"Wow Jack this place is really pretty!" Riley said perking up before trotting over to the little stream that ran through the meadow. I followed behind her slowly, letting her enjoy this peaceful place. She walked around in the shallow water, kicking up water as she jumped and played. I heard three pairs of footsteps behind me, turning to look I groan as Jeff, Ben, and Smile walked into the circle where the meadow started. Riley looked up when she heard me groan and her eyes immediately fell on Smile who was in the form of a normal dog at the moment. Smile barked and ran straight over to her, jumping and barking happily. What's up with him?

"Hey! Smile don't just go up to people and act nicely." Jeff face palmed at his companion. Riley smiled sadly as she played with Smile. I watched happily as Riley ran around the field with Smile. The rain cloud over her head finally disappeared if only for a few hours. "What are you guys doing here anyway?" I ask looking back at Jeff and Ben.

"We were just walking around. We actually were gonna come see you, but you seem to already have company." Ben says smirking at Riley who was still running around with Smile. "Dr.Lee invaded her house and we had to take off. This is where we came too." I explained watching her laugh and smile. "I really need to get back to her house to get some things, but I know there will be cops flocking the place. Would you mind helping me out?" I ask looking at the duo. Jeff rubbed his chin as he thought it over. "What do we get out of it?" Of course. "Well you don't have to get anything from the house I just need you guys to kill multiple people in seconds. Cause enough ruckus that they need every policeman helping with the slaughtering." Jeff and Ben smile evilly at my plan.

"Alright we will help you. How long will you need?" Ben asks. "Give me enough time to grab up a bunch of her clothes, some food, blankets, and whatever electronic she wants. You know I can move pretty quick." I explained. I really hope Dr. Lee hasn't set no traps around her house. "We need to go once the sun has gone down." I added motioning Riley to come to me. Her and Smile raced over to us, I grab her legs quickly as she jumps on my back. I adjust her to a comfortable position on my back as the five of us head back to my cabin.


"Riley when we get to your house I need you to open the back of your car so we can quickly get things in." I explained. Jeff and Ben had already left to start the killing. We slowed down as we watched at least a dozen cops tear out of Riley's driveway. Good that mean our plan is working! We floor it and stop in front of Riley's house. She opens the trunk area and we run in the house. She grabs up bags of food as I run upstairs to grab big piles of her clothes. I throw them into a big bag I had lying around and then run to the bathroom to get her toiletries and some towels. I grab a suitcase out of her closet and push some blankets and other bedding inside. I bring all that down and run to the car to shove it in. I run back upstairs and get the guns from her closet along with all her ammo. Once that's loaded up I go unhook her tv, game consoles, and DVD player. I carefully pack that in the car as I push all her movies and games in another bag along with some CDs. She finished getting the food and cookware as I got her beloved sound system. "That's all for now! Let's go!" I said in a rushed voice as I run out to get in her car. Riley comes running and jumps in the driver's seat as we take off back home. Once we get back to my cabin we look at each other quietly, then erupt in cheers and high fives.

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