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Song of the Chapter~ Party with the Devil- Attila
Jack's POV
I walked with power in my step. This man whoever he may be is going to die. I don't care if I go down with him, he will no longer threaten my son!
"Jack take it easy... We don't know what we are dealing with here." I hear Jeff's words but do not pay much attention. Dylan and Jake follow a long behind staring fearfully. "Jake how much farther?" I ask dryly. "Uh another mile..." I take off at a quick sprint.
"Jack child do not rush in!!" Slender yells but still I do not pay attention. Bloodlust coursed through my body like a freight train. I would not give up until this guy is gone! "DAD!" Jake screams for me but I keep going until I come to a building. I burst through the door, catching a man with black hair by surprise. He turns, his all yellow eyes flashing brightly in anger.
(I do not know much about the Puppeteer! Sorry for any false info!)
"Who are you!! Why are you here?!" The man yells. "Your worst nightmare!!" I yell running at him and slashing his face with my claws. The man with the light grey skin stumbles back clutching his cheek. "HOW DARE YOU!!" he screams. The man runs at me with a knife held tightly in his right hand. He slashed at my middle, but I jump away just barely getting away. "You will no longer mess with my son!!!" I yell jumping on his back. I bite into his shoulder, blood running on my tongue and down my chin. "GET OFF!!!" The man throws me off him, but I land on my feet a couple of steps away. "Your son?? Oooh you mean dear little Matt! He is a good child, but he is mine!! The Puppeteer's!!!" The man holds his left hand out to me, glowing yellow strings shooting from his finger tips. The yellow strings wrap around my torso, holding my arms down as the man comes closer.
"You must be Eyeless Jack then huh? You are very reckless to run in here alone Jack!" The strings tighten painfully, cutting into my arms and chest. The Puppeteer's eyes growing dark to a orange color. "HE'S NOT ALONE!" Jeff jumps in quickly slashing the strings setting me free. I roll away as Jeff and the Puppeteer get in to a close combat fight. I scan my surrounding to see many loose pipes lying on the floor. I hurry over to one, picking it up I run back over and hit Puppeteer in the back of the head. The sickening smack resonates around the room. Jeff back away as Puppeteer falls to the floor, groaning in pain. Jeff takes this chance to sink his knife in Puppeteer's back multiple times, I beat his legs with the pipe trying my hardest to break his legs. The other come in catching Puppeteer's attention slightly, he knocks us away before slowly getting to his feet.

"Those your other kids Jack? Aren't they just SWEET?!!" Puppeteer shoots strings from both hands quickly. Catching Dylan and Jake in his snare!!! The boys struggle helplessly as the strings hold them in place, attaching to the main points on their bodies. "NO!" I yell going to cut them free, but Puppeteer makes them smack me away. He is using my boys against me!! Dylan and Jake move forward, jumping on me and biting into my arms viciously. I yowl in pain as I try to push them away without hurting them. Jeff and BEN gang up on Puppeteer as Hoodie tries to help me out. Slenderman walks over angrily to Puppeteer, grabbing him up in his tentacles as Masky stabs him multiple time in the stomach. Toby hacks off Puppeteer's legs, Puppeteer howls in pain as the connection to the boys is lost in the haze. They collapse on me breathlessly, going limp. I hear Puppeteer scream loudly as Jeff gouges out his left eye, he falls limp in Slender's grip before being dropped to the floor. He bleeds out slowly, all of us turning to leave quietly.

Just before we get out the door I hear Puppeteer laugh lowly. "Die bitch...." just before I can turn I feel something being shoved through my middle. By body jolting from the force as black blood drips from my lips. I look down to see a pipe sticking out of my stomach as blood slowly drips from its tip. "DAD!!" The boys scream as I fall to my knees. "Not today Jack! YOU ARENT LEAVING US TODAY!!" Slender said picking me up in his arms before Slenderwalking everyone back to my home. Riley comes outside with Matt only to scream in horror at my state. Slender ducks inside the house with Masky and Hoodie following quickly behind. "JACK!! JACK BABY PLEASE DONT LEAVE US!!" Riley screams with black tears falling from her eyes. Slender brings me to mine and Riley's bedroom quickly laying me down as Masky and Hoodie hurried to get started with extracting the pipe. I scream loudly in pain at the pipe being moved, choking on blood mid scream.

"We're sorry Jack..." is all I hear from Hoodie before I black out.... the world leaving me... hopefully not forever....

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