Better run cuz Im coming after you!

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Riley's POV

I walk downstairs shakily to go to the kitchen. My legs were sore as hell from last night.

"Sorry that you are sore..... Gentle lover is the total opposite of me." Jack mumbles as he snakes his arms around my waist while I started making breakfast. I chuckle at him as Rafael comes trotting in demanding his food.

"Jack will you feed him please?" I ask as I continue frying bacon. Rafael jumps and barks as Jack pours food into a bowl. While the bacon simmered in the pan I set a hand on my lower stomach. Am I ready for that if I'm actually able to have kids? I never knew if I could have children because the women in my family had such trouble getting pregnant. "What's wrong? Are you scared you might be pregnant?" Jack asks pushing some hair behind my left ear.

"No not really.... I'm wondering if I can have kids at all now that it's on my mind." Jack nods knowingly. We stay in comfortable silence as I finish up cooking. We sit on the couch eating and watching the news, it was Saturday so I didn't have to go in to work unless I had an emergency call.

"We are still on the look out for Eyeless Jack who we have reason to believe is also the culprit for stealing Jordon Terrell's ,or as he is better known as, Charlie Scene's kidney. Scene reported the attack once he woke up the next morning with a sewn up wound on his side. Security for his band mates will be upped to protect from any other incidents." I look at Jack sternly who gives me a sheepish smile.

"Really?!" I wail. Jack just quietly chews on a piece of toast, avoiding the question entirely. "You are coo coo Jack." I laugh stealing a piece of bacon from his plate. Jack whines at me, but smiles in the end.

"Dr. Lee is still on the search for Jack so if you have the power, capture Jack. There will be a money reward of 30,000 dollars for whoever can bring Jack in alive. Here is Dr. Lee's number." Me and Jack stared at the tv unblinking.

"Jack.... people are gonna be looking for you like crazy now. People will go to unbelievable lengths to get that money.." I said quietly feeling my anxiety rising. Jack set out plates on the coffee table and pulled me to him.

"Don't worry Riley nothing is gonna happen to me. No one knows I've been here besides the other Pasta monsters." Jack explained kissing the top of my head. "Hey! Let's have some fun to forget all this!" Jack jumped up and ran over to my sound system. He turned it on and 'Delish' by HU came on. He pulled me up off the couch and started to dance with me. We laughed and had a good time. Jack even sang along a little which I didn't expect! We were laying on the floor catching our breath when we suddenly heard someone cackling that wasn't us.

"Well look at this! Little Jackson found a lover!" Jack jumped up getting ready for a fight. He snarled and growled at Dr. Lee who had come in my house uninvited! "RAFAEL!" I scream hearing him immediately running to me. "ATTACK!" I scream pointing at Lee. Rafael ran up to him and jumped, but the next thing I hear catches me by surprise. A gun shot goes off and I see Rafael's body fall to the floor.... He shot my dog!! "NOOOO! RAFAEL!!!" I cry running over to where his body lay bleeding on the floor. Jack took a step forward, but stopped when the gun was pointed at him.

"Ah ah ah! You wouldn't want to have the same fate as the dog would you?" Lee said taking a step towards Jack. Jack lips were parted and I could see the animal coming out in him. Saliva dripped from his teeth as he growled at Dr. Lee. Without warning Jack made those tentacles shoot from his mouth and the tiny mouths on the end of the bit into the hand Dr. Lee held the gun in. Jack used another tentacle to grab the gun away and bring it to him. Jack willed the appendages back down his throat and pointed the gun at Dr. Lee ready to shoot at any second.

"Riley go get my mask and hoodie quickly then get in your car." Jack says not looking away. I scramble to do as he says quickly gathering up what he wants and coming back downstairs. He walks around Dr. Lee with his gun still pointed and we get out the door running to my car quickly. We jump in and I take off down the road away from town. Jack pulls on his clothes as I drive and try to will the tears away.

"I'm so sorry Riley." Jack says taking my right hand in his left. I glance at him nodding then turning my attention back to the road. After about an hour of driving Jack tells me to turn off the main road onto a barely noticeable dirt road that heads in the woods. We drive down the road for about twenty minutes until we pull up to a cabin. I turn off the car and we go inside. I sit on the old couch, sniffling still from the tears that kept falling.

"Who's house i-is this?" I ask my voice cracking from crying.

"It's mine. This is where I stayed when I wasn't with you. I did try fixing it up a little in case of an emergency like this. I thought it was needed when Dr. Lee showed up at your house. It's actually in working order." Jack says sitting next to me. I lay my head on his shoulder as we sit in silence.

"I really am sorry about what happened babe...." Jack whispers hugging me to his body. I bury my head in his chest and cry again. I had had Rafael since he was a puppy. He was my friend when no one else was. "I'll get revenge for Rafael don't worry." Jack growls lowly. I squeeze him tightly as I fall asleep in his arms.

~~Okay guys I hope you are liking this story! Please give me feedback and I'll see you next time! As for now GasMask out!~~

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