The Storm; New 'Friend'

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Riley's POV

"Goodnight sleep tight don't let the dead bite, *music intro* Johnny 3 and he dippin in the four door, 44 pointin at your window..."

I cut the alarm on my phone off as I stretch out. Ugh, I fell asleep on the couch again. My muscles are so freakin sore... Rafael barks at me signaling that he wants food. I groan as I lug myself off the couch to the kitchen. I do my daily routine to get ready for work. Thank God it's Friday! Sadly I work longer on Fridays x(.

"Thanks Jill. Tonight we are watching a line of server storms moving in from the west. We estimate that these storms will move in at about one this afternoon. We don't see a possibility for tornados, but just some strong thunder storms. That does not mean you shouldn't take the necessary precautions for if a tornado were to touch down. Now on to Frank with sports news." Great... a whole day of wet dog smell as well as Rafael whining at me because he is scared of lightning. I finish up what I needed to do then leave for work.


It is one in the afternoon and just like the news said it's going crazy outside! I had to put out the trusty wet floor sign today!

"Did you hear about Eyeless Jack attacking another person last night?! He seemed to be pretty angry last night. The poor fellow he killed was just torn to bits!" one of my patient's owners whispered to another.

"Yeah I know! Ever since he has shown up I've been keeping my kids at home. I don't know what I'd do if he got ahold of one of my girls!" The other whispered back. Ugh this again! I wish Eyeless Jack would just move on to another town so I wouldn't have to hear about him anymore!

"Eyeless Jack has to be some cannibal freak that wants to scare people. If he was eyeless for real he would probably have already been killed because he walked out into the street or something." I grumble to my receptionist who giggled quietly at me. "Oh Riley! Your three o clock and six o clock called! They said they weren't going to come out due to the storm. They rescheduled to next week." she informed me. I just nod then go on with my business.

Jack's POV

All I saw on the sign was the 'Dr.' part. I slowly stumble over to the barren doctor's office in hopes that I could threaten a doctor into helping me. I was hunting down prey when a person jumped me out of nowhere! They got a lucky shot in on me by stabbing me in the lower side. Which I might add was bleeding pretty badly. The storm over head did not take mercy on me as the rain drenched me in icy cold water.

I shiver from the cold as I take shelter under the awning above the door. I go to knock on the door, but my vision blurs and my legs give out on me. Causing me to crash into the door and slump to the ground, blacking out.

Riley's POV

I jump slightly when I hear a thump on the front door of my office. I rush out thinking it was a late night emergency, but when I open the door there is no one there?

"HELLO?" I yell over the howling wind. I hear a groan to my left. I look over to see a man slumped on the ground soaked to the bone.

"Sir?! Are you okay?!" I ask noticing a bit of blood pooling next to him. I don't get much of a response so I put his right arm over my shoulders then lift him to his feet. I lead him inside where it was warm. "Help me.... please?" he mumbles sounding a bit disoriented. "Sir I'm a vet not a people doctor..." I say getting a bit worried that I couldn't see his face.

"Please! I was stabbed, but I don't think it's too bad... just needs stitches..." he urges wincing from pain. I huff as I lead him to an exam room. Rafael following close behind, he growled at the poor man. "Leave him be Rafael!" I warn as I help the man sit on the table. He grabs his lower left side tightly.

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