On the Hunt

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Jake's POV

All I've heard today is Matt freaking out in his room. I'm pretty sure he has broken everything in there that he can lift. He has cursed Dad's name for locking him in there, but it always with a tone of voice I've never heard from Matt. It was like a completely different person was behind that door. No not another person that wasn't my brother it was something that is plaguing him. Controlling him and making Matt bend to there will.

"Jake... I need to see you... it's about your brother..." Good maybe Lord Zalgo can help. "Dad Zalgo had called me I'm heading out!" I yell as I strap on the black poncho Zalgo issued to me. It was pretty cool actually! It's warm when I go through cold areas and cold when I go through hot areas like Zalgo's palace.

"Be careful Jake. You know not always expect the unexpected out there and in the Under Realm." Dad said hugging me quickly before heading to Matt's room. "I'll be careful as always Dad." he gave me a warm smile before waving me away. I walk outside and head for the portal near the house, seeing Slender and the others along the way. "Dylan do you want anything from the Under Realm or Slender?" they both shake their heads and I head on again. Once I get to the portal I pull on my hood to shield my face.

I go through then quickly make my way to Zalgo's palace. As usual he is in the throne room. "You're here! Good... I need to tell you some valuable information I've picked up on your brother." I come closer and kneel down on one knee like usual. "Proceed Master." Zalgo waves his hand to bring up a picture of Matt. "I've found that there is a unknown Pasta that has finally gotten his hold on your brother. He is using him to be a Proxy of sorts but yet he is only using Matt to cause mayhem which I do not approve of. I'm going to give you the coordinates of this Pasta's where bouts. Please take Slender and his Proxies along with your Father, Jeff, and Ben. Maybe even Laughing Jack if he will help. You must hurry before this person kills your brother or totally destroys his mind. Go now!" I sprint from Zalgo's home and head to mine. I walk in looking for everyone. "Mom? Dad?" I call. Dad appears behind me giving me a strange look.

"What are you doing back so quickly?" he asked as I hand him the slip of paper the location of this man that is torturing my brother. "Zalgo found out that this man is controlling Matt. He gave me the location of this guy and said when need to take him out as quickly as possible. He also said it would be smart to have some of the others to come along." Dad looked at me letting a evil grin grace his lips.

"We will head out in two hours!" he yelled leaving the house to round up the others that would help us in this fight.

~~~~Sorry that this is so short but I didn't know what else to really write for this chapter... Anyway! As for now GasMask out!~~~

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