Hanging with a Cannibal

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~The Next Stormy Morning~

Riley's POV

I'm woken up suddenly by Rafael jumping on me. "Dang Rafael!" I grumble pushing him off me. He was whining at me for some reason I don't know. I lean up and rub my face tiredly then get out of bed.

"Come on Rafael... You need to go out." I mumble shuffling down the stairs with him following close behind. I open the door in the kitchen for him to go outside and he quickly runs out. I rummage around in the fridge for something to eat when I hear a yawn behind me. I look back to see OH SHIT EYELESS JACK.... oh wait now I remember I let him stay here last night. Duh! He rubbed his head looking just as disheveled as I was.

"Morning sleeping beauty. Are you hungry." he seemed to give me a 'fuck you' look, but nods anyway. Then I remember that I didn't wash his clothes like I promised. "Damn it!" I hiss going to the laundry room to start a load of dark clothing. I come back out to the living room to see Jack laying face down across the couch. "Hey stingy! You gotta share!" I growl daring to smack his butt. He tenses and spins around to hiss at me. Wow he moves fast! I stand there shocked for a moment then sit down after he made his nest on the other side of the couch. I sit there awkwardly as I hear Jack grumbling at me for hitting him. Man was someone grouchy in the morning, well it didn't seem very much like morning considering that the storm was still going strong outside.

"Thank you..." I hear Jack say quietly after he was done cursing me for smacking his butt. I smile as I get up to check on the clothes, "You're welcome Jack... I guess you can stay a bit longer since it's still storming pretty bad outside." I let Rafael back in to see he was a soaked mess, obviously rolling in the mud as well. "Go see Jack boy!" I coo to him. Rafael takes off to the living room where I hear Jack yelping thinking that the dog was trying to hurt him again.

"Uh Riley... I think your dog is a bit muddy..." Jack whispers shyly when he walks in to where I'm at. "Oh! Rafael! You don't jump on guests!" I say in a voice of fake anger. Jack stares at me unamused before saying, "I'll gut you like a fish!" I cackle loudly as he throws the muddy shirt on my head. "Meanie," I call as Jack walks away chuckling. I really wanna know how his skin got to the color it was...He couldn't have just been born that way, no one is just born with ashy colored skin! But he was just weirdly adorable. You know for a murderer that could have eaten me in my sleep last night.

After I get everyone fed and gave Rafael a bath Jack had gotten into my video game collection. He was now playing GTA V, which was quiet funny because he was sitting in the floor in front of the tv and I could imagine his mouth hanging open like mine does when I really get into a game. While he was distracted I go to get the dry clothes from the dryer. I bring the basket to the living to fold the clean clothes, but while I was folding a certain grey douche bag thought it was funny to knock one of the stacks from the table.

"Dick." I mumble only to have him laugh loudly. It was actually the loudest he's been since he got here. He went to take a shower so he could put on his own clothes. While he was gone I lay down on the couch watching tv, unintentionally falling asleep.

Jack's POV

I come back downstairs after showering to aggravate Riley more, but see she has fallen asleep on the couch. Hmm... now what? Maybe I could snoop around her room to keep me busy. I walk up to her room and start digging through her drawers. I found one little thing that actually scared me and decide I better be careful considering what I just found... To give you a clue, it will make a buzzing noise when turned on. Remind me to burn my hand after this! I go over to her closet to see what else I can find. Wow! I look in the back of her closet to find a shot gun, a hunting rifle, and two pistols. Talk about a pistol packing mamma! She also had a tazer which gave me an idea.... heh heh... I quietly jog back downstairs to the living room. I turn the tazer on and get right beside her face. I press the button and the tazer makes the loud popping noise, causing Riley to jerk awake.

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