The Gentle Beast

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Riley's POV

The storm had finally ended and that meant Jack was leaving. That also meant I was going to be alone again. I can't really keep him from leaving, but his company has gotten to be very enjoyable.... Even though he doesn't speak much. He was gathering up all the little things he had with him and getting ready to head out.

"So I'm guessing I won't see you anymore will I?" I ask, seeming to catch him off guard. He fiddled with his fingers not looking at me. It seemed like he either wanted to ask something or didn't want to tell me the truth. "Uh, I would stay, but I can't really do that because I am a murderer and I'll get you in trouble if someone followed my trail. Anyway I'm guessing what I'm saying is..." "Jack I can tell you don't actually wanna leave. Tell you what you can stay here as long as no other murderer friends show up and you don't get followed by police and if you want you can just come by when you need. Oh and as long as you don't try to steal my organs!" He gives me a surprised look. He suddenly gives me a hug which turns very awkward.

"Uh what was that for?" he backs away fiddling with his fingers again. "I haven't had anyone really care about me in a very long time. I may be a murderer, but I do get pretty lonely." Well that is waaaay out of character. "Um alright, well you can just put your stuff back in the room you are staying in... Friend." Jack runs off upstairs then comes back with his hoodie off like earlier. I smile seeing how relaxed he is, must be nice for to be able to settle done a bit. "So if you are a crazy murderer. How come you are so calm around me?" He just looks at me. "I still have my right mind. It's just that I eat organs and I look different. I'm not crazy at all until I'm starving." Eh, seems reasonable enough.

~Two Hours Later~

Okay just a little piece of advice for you readers.... If Jack ever visits you... don't give him caffeine. Jack has basically destroyed my living room ever since I let him have a Pepsi. He has crawled on the ceiling whenever he leaves the room, ripped up one of my throw pillows (with his teeth), decided to leave a heart in my hallway (will not tell me where it came from), and finally the worse part of it all.... He chewed a hole in anything he could get his hands on ANYTHING! Two hours ago he said he had his right mind, but I think he lied! He has done all this weird shit and he tells me he isn't crazy! He is basically acting like a puppy! Now he is just staring at me while I try to ignore him.

"Riley!" I look to see what he wants only to have one of his mouth tentacles shoved in my face.

"Jack I said quit doing that!" I yell slapping the appendage away from me. He snickers as he lays out across the couch, laying across me in the process. "Ugh. Jack! Get off me you couch hog!" I groan trying to push him off me, but he thinks it's funny so he makes himself a dead weight. "Riley! I'm bored!" oh and destroying my shit wasn't enough entertainment for you?! "Play video games or something! Or take a nap!" Jack nods then curls up in a ball, laying his head against my leg. I didn't say sleep on me! Ugh I guess as long as he isn't tearing up my stuff he can lay his head on my leg. I hear him give off a quiet snore telling me he is fully asleep. It's only eleven in the morning and Jack is napping. I gently replace my leg with a pillow then go to do other things while Jack was incapacitated. After about 45 minutes I hear quiet yelping and heavy breathing. I go to the living room to see Jack still curled up, but he was shivering and mumbling in his sleep. Was he having a nightmare?

~Jack's Nightmare~

Bright lights... Needles... the smell of disinfectant... the cackling of a madman scientist. This is what I've heard, seen, felt, and smelled for most of practically all of my life.

"Oh Jackson~ You know when ever you struggle it only makes you tired and means that I have to use more force~" This has been going on ever since I was five years old. This lunatic killed my mother and kidnapped me to preform crazy experiments on me.... I was 21 now. "I have a new concoction for you to try! I'm not exactly sure what it's going to do to you though... it will probably kill you, but that's what you are hoping for isn't it? AHAHAHAHAHAH!" I watched as he pulled out a syringe filled with some type of grey looking fluid. Knowing this man that could be dirty lake water in the vile.

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