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Song of the Chapter: Creature by Asking Alexandria

Jack's POV

I smiled happily as all my boys head out with their masters to do their first missions. Jake was excited especially to see the Under Realm where Zalgo lived. I was still worried for Matt, but Jeff said he could handle him.

"They grew up so fast." Riley said wrapping an arm around mine. "Yes but they are still your babies aren't they? They are still young and you know Matt isn't going to stray far away from home." Riley nods knowing the truth. "How bout we have one more?" Riley asks giving me a sharp grin. Hmmm one more wouldn't be too bad...

Jeff's POV (Oooooooo :o.)

"Alright Matty boy I want you to scare that girl this way okay?" I ask looking back at the curly haired cannibal.

"Yeah! Yeah! I can do that!" Matt ran off and snuck up behind the girl. He hovered over her for a few minutes with that sharp tooth grin of his. The girl tensed then looked up at him. She screams before bolting in my direction, good boy Matt! I spring from my hiding spot and slice the girl's neck open. Matt ran up and pounced on the body, ripping into the girl's skin like he had been starving for weeks. "Matt that's enough we need to move. Police will be here soon to check out the screams." I say patting his shoulder. I'm shocked when Matt snaps at me like a feral dog!

"Matt! As your Master I order you to come with me!" I growl gritting my teeth. Matt looks at me for a moment with a pained expression, but changes in a split second to happiness. "Lets go Master!" Oh God this kid is more messed up than I am... Matt bounces along behind me as we head for another kill.

Jake's POV

"Lord Zalgo what are my orders?" I ask kneeling on one knee. "Hmmm... This may seem trivial, but I'd like for you to go back to the Over Realm and bring me back a Nintendo 3DS..." Really? "Uh alright Lord Zalgo I'll be back as quickly as possible!" I sprint off to get my job done quickly.

Once back in the Over Realm I head to the nearest town and ransack a Gamestop. Killing some people along the way and salvaging a kidney or two for the trip back. I go to get a game system, but am faced with a difficult choice. What color should I get?? Red? Black? Red? Black?..... Okay I'll get both! I grab a bag and shove as many games as I can into it and the consoles, then go on my mary way back to Zalgo.

"I've brought what you asked for and more my Lord!" I announce happily as I hand Zalgo his things. He gives me a stoned like smile as he opens up the bag. "Ah... This is nice young one! I can't think of anything else at the moment I need from you so you can head home if you'd like or explore the Under Realm!" Zalgo then ignores me while he messes with his new toys. I chuckle as I leave the room.

Dylan's POV

Argh!! I've been trying to do the stupid Slenderwalking thing for the past two hours. I've learned all the other things Masky taught me except for this!

"Dylan maybe you should take a break for a bit? You are probably almost brunt out on energy any." Masky calls from the tree he sat in front of. "No! I can do it!" I huff as I focus on the task at hand. While I'm working on my task I see someone stumbling out of the trees. I can't tell who it was until the person looks up and I recognize the carved smile and wide eyes. "Jeff!" I yell running over to him, he was soaked in blood and I couldn't tell where he was hurt. Jeff's knees give out and I finally notice the knife stuck in his stomach. "What happened?!" Slender asked as he came over to us. "Jeff is hurt!" I say as Slender helps Jeff. "Matt... Attacked me! I'm not sure what came over him, but he just snapped! He chased after me for awhile, but he is gone now." I take off running back home. "Dylan wait!" I hear GasMask yell. I don't stop, but speed up. I look to my left and see Toby, Hoodie, and Masky running along with me.

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