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Song of the Chapter: Dear Agony- Breaking Benjamin

Riley's POV

I wake with a start when I hear a crash from the living room. Me and Rafael quickly run down the stairs to see Jack stumbling around the living room. He was breathing heavily as he sits on the couch, yanking his mask and jacket off roughly.

"Jack what's wrong?" I ask coming over to him. "I went to talk to some of the other Creepypasta and the last one spit on me!" he yelped stumbling to the kitchen to the sink. Jack roughly rubbed at his face with water, black gunk washing out from his 'eyes' creepily. "What were you talking to others for?" I ask handing him a rag to clean his face.

"Telling them that you weren't a threat to us. Me and the last one got in a fight." he said motioning to his left arm. I look to see four deep claw marks in his arm. "Jack! Wouldn't that be a little more important than spit!" I wail holding a rag to his arm at the same time I hear a knock at my door. "Put pressure on that while I go see who is there." I grumble heading to the door. Upon opening it I see a older man in a lab coat standing there with two policemen.

"Good morning Dr. Riley! This is Dr. Lee, he is helping us capture Eyeless Jack. He is gonna take him back to his headquarters to keep Jack contained." I give an ugly sneer at the men. "What's your point?" I ask dryly. "We have permission to search all homes in the town to check and make sure Jack isn't hiding or being hidden." Lee adds giving me a threatening look. I sigh heavily as I let them in. They better be fucking glad I had the day off. "What's this?" Lee asks holding up Jack's mask and hoodie! Shit!

"A friend pulled a prank on me. They left that here after they left." Dr. Lee narrowed his eyes at me, but put the things back on the couch. The two cops scouted the kitchen which made me freeze up, but they didn't yell so I guess Jack- JACK IS ON THE CEILING!! Jack held up a finger to his lips as he quickly crawled up stairs seconds before Dr. Lee looked his way. The men finished their search, Dr. Lee was giving me an angry look. "Thank you for letting us look Riley. Everything seems clear. Remember to keep everything locked at night." one of the cops said as they left. I nodded and closed the door watching them leave.

"THEY'RE GONE!" I yell. Jack doesn't answer or come back down. I jog up stairs, looking in his room to see him staring out of the window blankly as he held the biggest knife from my kitchen in one hand. Okay better be careful here. "Jack? You okay?" I ask putting a hand on his shoulder. He jerks his arm then slams the knife into the closet door to his right, the blade going all the way through until only the handle showed. That goes to show how much strength he has. He then spins around to me baring his sharp teeth as he tackles me to the bed. I scream as he gets closer with those monstrous teeth, seconds later Jack comes to himself and gets off me. He backs up into the wall and slides down to the floor. He babbles on about the man in the lab coat as the black 'tears' stream down his cheeks also pulling at his hair. "Jack calm down it's alright! He isn't gonna find you!" I speak calmly as I sit beside him then pull him in my arms as I rock him back and forth, whispering calming words. Jack was shaking heavily as he mumbled about experiments and not wanting to die?

"Jack sweetheart you aren't gonna get experimented on or killed!" "YES!!! HE KNOWS RILEY!! HE KNEW ONCE HE PICKED UP MY MASK THAT I WAS HERE!! HE IS GONNA COME BACK!!" Jack screams clutching my shirt in his fists. Rafael trots in to see what's up, he comes over and whines at Jack before licking his cheek. Jack slowly sits up straight, wiping his eyes and sniffling. He was scared to the point of tears? What did that man do to him?

"That man is the reason I'm this way... All those years ago when he killed the last family member I had and kidnapped me. He did countless experiments on me, the last one resulted in me turning into the monster... Now he is back..." Jack rubbed at his eyes as I stare at him in shock. I just let the man that tortured him for years into my house. I feel bad now..... "Now I fear he will kill you too.... to get to me." Jack mumbles suddenly not looking at me. My heart clenches at the thought of that as Jack looks at me sadly. I look at him nervously as he pulls me in his laps suddenly, wrapping his arms around me as he buried his face in my hair. I hear him breathe shakily as if he is crying again. "I don't wanna loose anyone else... You are my first friend! I love you so much I don't want anything to happen to you!" Whoa!!?? In what way does he mean he 'loves' me? I lay my head on Jack's chest just letting him pull together. That man being so close was probably traumatic for him. After awhile Jack lifts his head. He goes to stand up so I get out of his lap to stand too. "I need to leave." he says suddenly leaving the room. "Wha... What?!" I ask following after him quickly. "You can't leave! What if Jeff comes back?!" I ask feeling my heart pick up pace. Jack doesn't say anything as he pulls on his mask and hoodie. I feel tears spring to my eyes as he simply ignored me. He headed for the door, but I wasn't having it. "Jack! What will leaving do?!" I yell as the tears spill down my face. "It will keep everyone from coming after you." he says dryly with his hand on the door knob. "NO IT WONT!" "YES IT WILL! IM PROTECTING YOU BY LEAVING! GOODBYE!" I felt my heart break...

Jack's POV

My heart clenches as Riley looks at me with her tears falling down her face. I can practically see her heart breaking. She rubs at her face with her hands as she lets out smalls sad noises from me yelling at her. "I'm so sorry..." I whisper opening the door and quietly walking out. Before the door is closed Riley pipes up. "YOU SAID I WAS YOUR FRIEND AND THAT YOU LOVE ME!!! I LOVE YOU TOO!!! PLEASE DONT LEAVE!!! I DONT WANNA BE ALONE ANYMORE EITHER!!" she screams at the top of her lungs. I don't say anything or look back, I just close the door softly. I can hear Riley wailing from heart break as I walk off the porch. I have to force myself to go into the woods once I hear Riley open the door and scream for me. Once I'm in I see GasMask to my left, her eyes filled with pity. "You know you will have to still stick close by." she says in that robotic voice. "I know." I say turning to look back at the house. I see Riley pick herself up off the porch and going inside. She slams her door hard enough I could hear it from where I stood. "I know you love her more than just a friend." GasMask whispers pulling her mask down. I push mine on top of my head as I look at Riley's house. "I don't know how I feel... I don't know these feelings. I know that being with me will hurt her more than being away. Jeff should leave her be and Dr. Lee won't find me there." I mumble looking at the ground. "I hope you're right." GasMask replies putting her mask back on as Slenderman walks up behind us.

"She is a smart girl, Riley is. I knew she was accepting of things since she was born. I thought of making her a Proxy at one point, but knew she had a different path. The others have promised to leave her alone... well expect Ben and Jeff as usual. They only promised not to harm her." Slender said in my head, that being the only way he could speak. I growl at the thought of Jeff and Ben. Ben is a liar, he would rape her just as quickly as Offenderman. Jeff only likes to fuck with people's emotions I knew when he said he wouldn't harm her he meant it. He will only toy with her mentally if he did that maybe she would be admitted somewhere no one could reach her... NO! I can't wish that upon her... "Let's go children. We must not linger any longer." Slenderman said ushering us deeper into the woods. Riley I hope you protect yourself....

~~~Okay sorry for the wait!! I've been busy lately but I finally had the time and want to write this chapter!! Sorry if Jack's masculinity was kinda ruined in this chapter but I'll make up for it later!! As for now GasMask out!!!~~~

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