Happiness Finally Granted

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~9 months later~

Jack's POV

Riley has been in our bedroom with Masky and Hoodie for at least two hours now. I was banished from the room a while ago while she gave birth. I was worried now because I haven't heard any cries from a baby in the two hours at all, but just as I'm about to go in to check on things I hear a baby cry out finally. A few minutes later another cry then after that one I hear another baby cry.... "Triplets!" I hear Hoodie cheer to Riley inside the room, but before they can come get me the hall starts spinning and I fall backwards.



"Jack? You awake?" I hear someone say. I open my eyes and look around seeing I'm laying in bed next to Riley who was poking my cheek. "You alright? You fainted babe!" Riley said looking concerned. "Im fine now. I don't know what happened." I actually do I just don't want to admit it.

"Well now that you are awake Jack would you like to meet your sons?" Masky asked happily. He picked up a baby from a bed and Hoodie picked up two. My heart raced as Masky placed a grey skinned baby in my arms. I looked down at the little bundle who slept happily. "You are holding Jake and the one on my right arm is Matt and the one on my left is Dylan." Riley smiled proudly at her little ones that were all surprisingly sleeping. I smiled as I saw all the boys were grey skinned, I wondered if any would be normal colored because they were conceived when Riley was human. I guess I should have known they were changed when Riley was injected with that stuff. "They are beautiful." I nuzzled little Jake's cheek gently with my nose. He opened his eyes slightly, I was surprised to see totally black eyes like Jane's! I only got to see them for a moment before he closed them back again.

"Jake has eyes! Do the other two have any?" I ask examining Matt and Dylan. They were eyeless though so that meant that Jake was our little odd ball. "I'm so proud of you babe." I whisper kissing Riley's cheek. She giggles happily until Matt starts crying which leads them all to start crying. "I think it's time to eat?" I ask unsure. Riley just smiles as Masky brings in three bottles filled with milk. I take one as Masky happily picks up Dylan to help out. "Where did...?" "It's called a breast pump Jack." Riley laughed as Matt ate happily. I smile looking back down to Jake who looked up at me while he sucked on the bottle. "I love you my soon to be little cannibal." I laugh as he releases the bottle making it known that he was full. I burp him and Jake falls back asleep soon after as do the other two. "Wow they are pretty easy to please." I say putting Jake back in his bed then taking Matt and Dylan from Riley to put them in their bed too. "We are gonna go now. We will be back sometime to help out a little." Hoodie mumbled to Riley. After that we all settled down for the night.

~Two years later~

"Riley!" I call down the meadow as I walk in from hunting. "Daddy!" my three boys squeal running over to me. I smile getting down on one knee to hug them. "How are my brave little boys? Did you protect mommy while I was gone?" I ask playfully.

"Yeah! We also caught a frog, but Matt cut it's head off...." Dylan said pointing at Matt who smiled widely showing off his sharp teeth. (Matt is supposed to be like Da Kurlzz xD really hyperactive and can have that crazy look to him. Has anyone ever noticed that about Da Kurlzz???) "Aw well we can catch another one later. You three go play some more while I talk to your mom." Matt bounced happily as he ran off to find something else to kill, Jake and Dylan following behind him. They were really strong and powerful to only be two years old. "Hey babe." I wrap my arms around Riley's waist as we watch the boys tromp around in the creek. "They missed you today. But yeah Matt killer a frog rather viciously, you might wanna teach him what his limits are." Riley laughed slightly at our curly haired son. I'm still not sure why he had really curly hair. Me nor Riley had curly hair at all. "HEEEEEEEEEY!" I look up to see Slender and his proxies had joined us in the field. Toby immediately ran over to the boys and played with them, Matt snatched away one of Toby's hatchets and slashed away at the tall grass and any small creatures... Yeah he needs to be taught his limits soon...

"How are the boys?" GasMask, or Alaine rather, asked pulling her mask down as she approached us. "They are good! Matt is being mischievous as always and Jake and Dylan don't know whether to follow him or not." I chuckle as Slender swung the boys around in the air with his trendals, which keeps them occupied for hours. "So Alaine is there anyone you have your eyes set on?" Riley asked sitting down on her blanket she sets out when she comes here, Alaine joins her as do I.

"Well...." Alaine blushed as she looked over at Toby. What?! Really?! Him?!!! "Toby! I never thought Richard would let his proxies date each other." Riley looked over at Toby too, who Matt just pushed into the creek. Oh Matt.... What am I going to do with you son? Matt came running over to Riley, his curly hair bouncing around in the wind as he plopped down in her lap. "Hey baby. Is something wrong?" Riley asked hugging him. He smiled up at her before laying his head on her chest. "I love you mama." Matt closed his eyes and smiled happily. Did I mention he was a big momma's boy? I smiled as I watched my family. I sometimes still think it's all a dream, that me meeting Riley and her having the boys is a fake. I use to think I'd never have a family again. "He is so sweet!" Alaine gushed while playing with Matt's hair. I'm suddenly pushed over by my other two boys jumping on me. I wrap my arms around their small forms and hug them tightly to my chest. "We love you daddy!" they both say in unison. Finally after so long I finally am granted true happiness.

~okay there is probably one or two chapters left! I hope you readers have liked this story as much as me! I tried my hardest to do a good portrayal of Jack! We as for now GasMask out!~

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