Chapter 9

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The members of Seventeen were busily preparing for the upcoming concert. Everything had to be perfect: their singing, rapping, the choreography (which, if we're being completely honest, Hansol got a little extra help on).

Soonyoung sighed and leaned against the wall, sliding down until he was sitting on the ground. Dancing was his passion, but it sure took a lot out of him. He noticed Hansol sprawled out in the middle of the floor. He scooted toward him and lay down next to his boyfriend.


"Hey," Hansol said, still panting from dancing. He stared at the ceiling. Soonyoung followed suit and traced nonexistent patterns with his eyes. He was drenched in sweat and the cool wood felt nice against his back and arms. He was finally able to relax. His energy was completely drained, but being able to lie down was a relief.

"You look dead," he told Hansol, who laughed.

"Thanks a lot."

"Sorry," Soonyoung apologized. "Did I make the choreography too hard?"

"No, it's fine. We were just practicing for a long time."

Soonyoung nodded. Jihoon tried to toss a water bottle to him, but it bounced off his forehead. Or maybe that was his intention. Soonyoung was too tired to care, though. Hansol's phone chimed with a twitter notification. He unlocked his phone, but immediately frowned. He turned it off and put it back in his pocket.

"What was that?" Soonyoung asked. He hated to see Hansol sad.

"Nothing," Hansol said quickly.

"Hey, you can talk to me," Soonyoung said. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"It's really not important."

"If it's so unimportant, show me."

Reluctantly, Hansol unlocked his phone again and handed it over too Soonyoung. It was a comment on one of Hansol's selcas. But not the usual "Oh my god how are you so handsome" kind of comment. It read, "Seventeen doesn't need you, fag."

Soonyoung was shocked. How could anyone say something like this? He faced his boyfriend.

"Hansol, how could you say this isn't important?"

"It's fine. It's been happening for awhile now. It doesn't matter. Really. Don't worry about me."

"How can I not worry about you!?" Soonyoung asked, sitting up. "How can you let people say things like that about you?"

"I've dealt with stupid people all my life. I don't let it get to me anymore." But to tell the truth, it did still bother him. He just didn't let anyone know how much every mean remark hurt. "Wouldn't he be so much more handsome if he wasn't white?" "Why is he in a Korean band?" Though people were starting to hate him for a different reason, it hurt just as much. "Seventeen doesn't need you, fag."

Hansol didn't want anyone to worry about him. Soonyoung didn't have to know how much it hurt. No one had to know.

(A/N: I need sleep. While proofreading this, I read "Hansol" as "Hamshot." I don't know what the fuck a Hamshot is. AAAAAAAAAND I'm back to what I do best. Depressing, to depressinger, to depressingish, to sad.)

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