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Alayna POV
standing at the window I was looking  outside at the beautiful flowers below. Looking at them I smiled as I rested in my room at The Great Magister Illyrio home in the peaceful city of Pentos. Everything seemed to be so peaceful, except the thoughts that wondered in my head.

Here in Pentos I been hiding away with my family for three moons. My birth city Markan where I once was a princess taken from me. My family and I had to quickly escape because of my Fathers enemies. They were  threatening to take over the kingdom 30,000 strong at their backs. My Mother,sister,brother and I were terrified while my Father paranoid as we got onto our horses and ran to Magister Illyrio for refugee.

I was thankful he allowed us to stay giving us rooms to stay in and food to eat. And I expressed my gratitude many times over making Illyrio often chuckle about how many times I said thank you. My family on the other hand being the snobs they are thought they since were royalty the words "Thank you" should never leave their lips.

I often apologized for them too. Magister Illyrio only smiled saying I was the kindest person anyone ever knew even at the age of 10 and 4 my manners were a thing of excellency. All I could do was smile remembering that was only complement anyone's ever given me.

As I cleaned the strong black wood of my bow I thought about my family and how they treated me. It wasn't very kind and I could never figure out why. I thought it was because I was a girl and not a son. But why didn't they treat Victoria the second born of the three of us the same way. I soon figured out that it was because of a Soothsayer. She told my father I was going to be a strong boy.

The Soothsayer was wrong though. When I was born my Father saw I was a weak girl not a strong boy. From then on my Father cruel treatment of starvation and loneliness began.

Erasing the terrible thoughts from my head I concentrated on my cleaning my bow only wanting that to occupy me. It only worked for a moment before I heard someone knocking on my door.

"Yes?" I answered looking up. When the door opened I saw the  blonde blue eye servant Tia stick her head inside. "Princess Alayna? King Kalan is requesting your present immediately in the dining hall." She told me. "Okay." I answered laying my bow down and walking to the door to let her lead.

Leaving the safety of my room I followed Tia  as she led me to the Dining Hall. Reaching the Dining Hall I saw My Father, Mother, my brother Tarken and my sister Victoria all sitting down staring at me frowning. Magister Illyrio was standing up and a unknown man in knights armor stood beside him.

"What is it?" I asked placing my hands behind my back. "As we already told you we have sold you to the Dothraki Khal Drogo for my army to regain my kingdom." My Father said obviously bored. "Yes, I remember." I answered remembering that day he told and how terrified I was being sold to someone like I was a common slave. "Well your wedding we'll be in two days time. But as Illyrio  just explained to me the Khal will arrive tomorrow at noon to approve you per say." I simply nodded.

"Beside that, the only thing you are to do is to please the Khal no more, so he can give me my army and we can further protect my  kingdom. Illyrio and this man has something else to tell you but won't tell me." My Father explained cocking his head to the two men. "Yes Father." I answered quietly. After what my Father told me what he plans to do with me all my family left leaving  Magister Illyrio and the knight beside him.

"Alayna come and sit." Magister Illyrio said waving me over to the table. Taking my spot Magister Illyrio sat beside me as the knight sat in front of me. "Alayna I want you to meet Ser Jorah he is what you can say a representative of Khal Drogo." "It's nice to meet you." I said smiling. "You as well Alayna." He answered nodding.

"Now, I know there was a question concerning Markan tradition you were hoping to perform at your wedding with the Khal. Now I'm not sure you can perform it but Ser Jorah knows a lot more about the Dothraki then I do." Magister Illyrio told me pointing to Ser Jorah. Ser Jorah leaned forward wondering what the tradition might be. "Um yes, well in Markan tradition the bride wears the War paint of her future husband on her arms." I explained pointing to my biceps. "I was wondering if I was able to get some so I could wear it to my wedding."

Ser Jorah smiled. "Khal Drogo would see it as a honor that his future wife would wear something of his. Here I have the ingredients to make it." Ser Jorah told me handing the things I needed to make it. "Thank you very much Ser Jorah."  I answered holding the ingredients carefully in my hands.

"Now that we have that questions out of the way let Ser Jorah and I tell you what will happen at your wedding ceremony." Magister Illyrio told me getting down to what the conversation was really about. I nodded as we talked until the Moon was high about my future wedding.

Walking back to my room I thought about all the things Magister Illyrio and Ser Jorah told. What gifts to accept and to decline, what happens if there is less than three deaths at the wedding and will happen after the ceremony. To me it was all pretty simple but yet so complicated.

Crawling into bed I fell asleep the moon in the sky being the last thing I saw.

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