The Heart Ceremony

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Alayna POV
When it was time for me to do the heart ceremony Irri came in and told me to follow her. Doing as I was told I followed her and we went back to the same tent where I met The Dosh Khaleen. Walking inside I saw mine and Drogo Bloodriders, most people from our Khalassar, and the members of The Dosh Khaleen.

Stepping up on the platform I got into a kneeling position and I drums began to play and everyone turned their heads towards a certain direction. Following their gaze I saw Drogo came in, a large bloody in his hand. Drogo walked straight to me and placed the heart in my hands. The heart now in my hands everybody looked at me as the drums played at a faster pace. Seeing that was my cue I dug into the heart.

As soon as I began to eat it one of the woman from The Dosh Khaleen began to chant. While they chanted I began to eat faster.

"I see, I see. Yes a strong boy. A strong boy indeed. A Stallion She is carrying, Yes a Stallion. A Stallion who will mount the world. The Khal of all Khals." The woman chanted over and over again as I ate.

Finishing the heart I stood up and everyone went silent as they watched me. "A prince rides inside me and his name is Alago." I announced looking around the people that were in my Khalassar.

At hearing my son name everyone cheered. "Alago, Alago, Alago!!!" My people chanted while Drogo stood up walking towards me. Smiling down at him he picked me up by my waist and held me high above everyone else circling around the platform.

When Drogo put me down we shared a passionate kiss. Placing me back on the platform Drogo started chanting with the everybody else. Once the chanting went down I was led to a large pool where I was to wash up before the feast they hold in my son honor.

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