Vaes Dothrak

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Alayna POV
"Welcome to Vaes Dothrak Khalessi." Irri announced as we approached two columns of bronze horses rearing at each other. "It's beautiful." I said as we continued down the dirt road. Irri smiled as she walked beside me.

Reaching the city I saw Drogo his Bloodriders were joking and laughing. When Drogo saw me he stopped and came up to me. After I got off my horse Drogo grabbed me and pulled me into a passionate kiss. "Welcome home Moon of My Life." Drogo whispered. I smiled kissing him once more.

Pulling away from each other Drogo and I went inside a tent made for Drogo and me. Sitting down on the bed Drogo went to the fire tending to it.

"Moon of My Life you will be meeting The Dosh Khaleen today and after that we will do the heart ceremony." Drogo told me. "Okay." I said softly.

In truth I was terrified to meet The Dosh Khaleen who were the Khalessis of past Khals. I was thinking there was a chance they wouldn't like me since I was foreign or what if I failed the heart ceremony? Would Drogo throw me and our son aside? I shook those thoughts away as I placed my hands on my stomach feeling my baby which comforted me.

Drogo seemed to notice my nervousness as well. Kneeling in front of me Drogo gave me a gentle kiss. "Don't worry Moon of My Life. You will do fine." I nodded kissing him once more. "Come, it's time."

Taking Drogo hand he led me pass the busy people of Vaes Dothrak and to a large dark tent. The only light was coming from the top of the tent. In the middle of the tent was a small circle platform only big enough for one person to stand on.

Drogo led me straight to the platform and helped me to stand on. Placing my hands behind me I was entirely nervous as Drogo and I stood there waiting in silence.

"Great Dosh Khaleen I Khal Drogo stand before you presenting my Khalessi." Drogo announced. Waiting I saw three figures emerge coming up to us.
They all looked at me curiously as they stood before me. The first of the woman looked deep into my eyes seeming to decide something.

"She is with child." The first Khaleen said placing her hand on my stomach. "Yes." Drogo answered quickly. "You have picked a most beautiful Khalessi Khal Drogo you have done well. Call up your Khalassar so that we may perform the heart ceremony." The woman said again taking her hand off my stomach leaving the other two woman to feel my baby through my skin.

When the other Dosh Khaleens took their hands off my stomach Drogo and I left. Once out of the tent I smiled happy that they approved of me. Drogo let out a sigh of relief.

"You did very good Moon of My Life." Drogo said. "Now it is time for the heart ceremony. I will be leaving you with your handmaidens until it is time." "See you soon My Sun and Stars." I told Drogo giving him a brief kiss. Drogo one last kiss in goodbye I smiled before heading back to my tent to get ready for the ceremony.

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