We Make Camp

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Alayna POV
When the sun was close to setting we stopped making Camp. Doreah and Irri led me with Drogo and the Bloodriders to trample the high grass to put down our tents. After we made a huge circle for our tent all the slaves went out making tents. While we did Irri continued my teaching.

Coming off my mare I felt incredibly sore in my back but chose to ignore the pain. Irri handing me a water skin I drank it gratefully. Draining half of the water skin I handed the skin back to Irri and she led me to Khal and I tent. Coming inside the tent I saw Doreah and Jhiqui setting up for the night.

Sitting on the bed I looked down at my hands seeing I had sores from riding. "Irri, hand me my healing chest." I told her. Irri nodded and went to my healing chest. Doreah helping her haul the heavy chest over to me. Opening the chest I went to find the ingredients to make a salve.

Doreah still kneeling by me she gazed at my hands seeing my sores. Pulling out some bandages and the things to make my salve Doreah stopped me. "Khalessi let me." Stopping in my tracks she handed the ingredients to Jhiqui telling her something in Dothraki.

While Irri continued to set up the tent for tonight. Jhiqui was busy making my salve. Doreah was cleaning my wounds with a wet rag.

"Doreah, I can do it myself." I try to protest. "No, you are Khalessi not slave let me do it." Doreah said firmly. I nodded not wanting to fight with her. My wounds thoroughly clean Jhiqui handed Doreah the salve to put on my hands.  The salve left a sting as it was put in my hands but I didn't say anything.  Jhiqui handing Doreah the bandages and both of them wrapped them around the palms of my hands.

When Doreah was done mending my hands I thanked her and stood up. Stretching out my back I let out a sigh of relief as the pain I was feeling was gone. Telling Doreah and Jhiqui to leave I had Irri stay to help me learn more words. Irri would say a word and I would repeat it until I got it right. We did this for hours which helped me learn a lot a words. As Irri was about to tell me another word Drogo came in.

Drogo seemed to be fuming with anger. Seeing Irri he yelled at her in Dothraki making her run right out of the tent. Standing up I looked at him. Being very careful I slowly came up to him. "Drogo?" I questioned placing my hand on his cheek. Drogo didn't say anything. Being impatient with the lack of communication I was getting I placed my other hand on his face and made him look down at me.

Drogo gave me a small smile and leaned down kissing me. Their seemed to be anger behind the kiss but also passion. Up on my tiptoes I kissed him back wrapping my arms around him. When Drogo and I parted for breath I looked up in his eyes. He seemed relaxed but still had a shred of anger. Drogo moved his hands down my body and secured them on my waist squeezing. Drogo kissed me softly on the lips and pushed me back towards the bed.

Knowing what he wanted I followed his lead and laid on the bed. Drogo followed suit and began to kiss me once more leading me into a state of bliss and love.

A few hours when I woke up Drogo was not present but there was food on the small table in our tent. Not having dinner yet I smiled and got up dressing back in my clothes and went to eat. Sitting in front of the small table I dug into the food that sat in front me. After I finished my meal I tended to the fire for a few moments.

As I tended to the fire Irri came in. "Hello Khalessi." Irri said. "Yes Irri What is it?" I asked. "The Khal is wanting you to come out to the fire with him." "Okay." I nodded standing up and following her out.

Stepping outside I saw everyone eating, drinking and dancing. Finding Drogo drinking along with his Bloodriders I walked towards them came beside Drogo. Sitting criss cross beside Drogo a slave handed me a horn of fermented milk to drink. Drogo noticing I was beside him he pulled me close holding me as he drunk along his Bloodriders. I just sat there enjoying the conversation and warmth of the fire.

As the night wore on I became more sleepy. Leaning my head on Drogo I wrapped my arms around his own my eyes growing heavy. Drogo noticing this I felt him pulling me into his arms. Leaning my head against his chest he carried me into our tent.

After Drogo placed me on the bed he extinguished a few candles he got into bed beside me. Grabbing a pelt he wrapped it around the both of us and pulled me close. Resting my head on his chest I closed my eyes relaxing in Drogo warmth.

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