My Father Attacks

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Alayna POV
A month has passed since the whole Alaka incident. Even still we had a whole another month to go to get to Vaes Dothrak but I didn't mind. Yet as the days passed my Father has been getting antsy and rather impatient with Drogo and I. He keeps asking where we're going and when he will get his army. Drogo hasn't given him an answer and quite frankly neither have I. If it were up to me he would get no army.

Riding among the tall grass of the Dothraki sea Drogo and his Bloodriders were far ahead of us meaning I was technically leading the Khalassar. After and hour or two of traveling I called a stop in the Khalassar for a break. Getting off my mare I went deep in the grass finding a clearing to rest in.

Stretching out my back I smiled taking in the clean air of the Dothraki Sea. The sun was high in the sky and the air felt comfortably warm. Closing my eyes I turned my face up towards the sky letting my face bask in the sun. It was soon interrupted when I heard the rush of pounding hooves. At first I thought it was Rakharo telling me we had to catch up with the Khalassar but it was my Father.

"Alayna! You filthy savage!!" He yelled jumping off his horse coming up to me. "What makes you think have the right to have command of me?!!" I said nothing as he slapped me across the face. "I am the King of Marken. I don't take orders from savages or their slaves."

My Father was furious as he wrapped his hand tightly around my throat. His grip was hard as I placed my hand around his trying to pry his hand from around my throat.

"Your right, you are the king of Marken. But I just don't care." I told him hoarsely dropping my to grab my dagger. My dagger firmly in my hand I thrust it up in his arm making him let go of me. Free from his grip I staggered back before regaining my balance. My Father whinnied in pain before pulling out my dagger letting out a yelp.

"You're gonna die for that." He told pulling out his sword. "Then come on." I answered getting into a fighting stance. Running at me I dodged his first attack and disarmed him. This fight going from weapon to hand to hand combat I made sure to always keep my balance.

Kicking him in the stomach he started to fall. Ducking down to the ground I kicked his feet out from under him. Hitting the ground hard I got on top of him and began to choke him. What I didn't anticipate was for him was to hook my left leg with his and flip me over. My Father hands firmly around my throat I was able to somewhat fold his arms where the pressure was not as bad but he was still choking me.

"Khalessi!" I heard Jhiqui yell as she came into the clearing before running away. Able to free my legs I braced them and kicked his stomach. He fell of me but rolled back ready once more. Grabbing my dagger he pulled his own out and we were at it once more. We were slicing each other as we aimed to punch.

My Father holding me aiming to blind me I luckily ducked when I felt him being forcefully pulled away from me. Looking up I saw it was Rakharo with a whip in his hand holding My Father.

"Khalessi, are you okay?" Jhiqui asked coming closer to me. "Yes I'm fine. Rakharo let him go and make him walk." I said walking away back to my mare.

Settling on my mare I softly bucked her and we were off leading the Khalassar once more. Gazing at my handmaidens I saw all were smiling and full of giggles. "What?" I asked as we walked.

"Oh, I'm sorry Khalessi. But that was your first victory among the Dothraki. You will now get a victory braid and a bell." Irri told me smiling. "But I thought Dothraki women even Khalessis don't get bells." I said confused. "Yes. But by the way Jhiqui told me the way you fought off your Father, you are certain to get a braid and be called a warrior."

I simply nodded not knowing what to think. Along my time here I had all my handmaidens teach me the Dothraki language and customs. But when it came to victory braids and bells I knew it was only for Dothraki men. I never heard a woman getting one. And even if I didn't get one it didn't matter to me I only fought my Father off because he couldn't take a simple order.

Meeting up with Drogo once more I fell behind his Bloodriders and rode in my usual spot. When the sun was getting low Drogo held up his hand and we settled for camp.

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