Meeting Khal Drogo

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Alayna POV
The next morning when I woke I saw the servant Tia was drawing me a bath. "Good morning." I greeted sleepily as I crawled out of bed. "Morning Princess Alayna, I have your bath ready when you are and breakfast is on it's way as we speak." Tia told me as she busied herself. "Thank you Tia." Tearing off my night silks I got into the warm tub that smelled of cherry blooms.

Sighing softly I relaxed as I leaned my back into the tub. Tia disappearing from sight I began scrubbing myself to make myself presentable for the Khal this afternoon. Rinsing my long mane of bronze hair Tia came in with a tray of my breakfast and a dress in  the crook of her arm. Stepping out of the tub I wrapped a towel tightly around me and went towards Tia.

"What is this?" I asked playing with the neckline of purple dress that laid on my bed. "Magister Illyrio has a provided a dress for you to meet the Khal. But first you must eat breakfast while I do your hair."  Tia told me guiding me to a chair so she could properly do my hair. After an extensive towel drying session Tia separated my hair and did where two small braids met at the back of my head. All the while I was eating a breakfast of bread and fruit.

Once my breakfast was finished Tia guided me to my bed where my dress laid. It was a mixture of light and dark purple. Tia picking it up I slipped into it  the bottom reaching right above my feet. Looking down at myself I saw how slim fitting it was as Tia tied the strings behind my neck revealing my back.

After my dress was tied on and I was ready Tia led me out and we went to the entrance of Magister Illyrio home. Getting to the entrance I saw my whole family and Magister Illyrio waiting.

"About time." Victoria complained as she saw me. I ignored her though as I smoothed out my dress. Standing beside Magister Illyrio my Father came up beside me. "Where is he?!" Father asked impatiently looking  to see if he could find the Khal.  "The Dothraki aren't exactly known for their punctuality." Magister Illyrio told my Father. My Father Just huffed as he ran his hand through his bronze his dark gold  eyes filled with anger.

Gazing ahead I heard the pounding of hooves before I saw Khal Drogo and four man that rode with him flank from behind. Standing straighter Magister Illyrio smiled and went to them talking in Dothraki.

Even though I didn't know what he was saying I heard a mixture of my name and my family names in his speech. So I think he might be introducing us I think. But as Illyrio finished his speech Drogo gave a small smirk.

"Come my lady." Magister Illyrio told me motioning his hand me to come. As I was about to walk down the steps to him to meet Khal Drogo my Father stopped me. "Don't mess this up." He voice sounding threatening as he whispered it in my ear his hand on my wrist putting a painful grip on it.

Letting go I rubbed my wrist to take the pain away as I continued down the stairs to Magister Illyrio. Leading me I stood in front of Drogo and his large red Stallion. We both studying each other. Looking into his eyes I saw they were a dark brown the black kohl around his eyes making them seem black. Which gave him a imitating look to his already large stature that stood at six four. As we looked at each other Drogo quickly turned around and left me.

Letting go of a breath I didn't know I was holding my Father came down screaming. "Well did he like her?! He didn't say anything!" "Trust me your Lord, if he didn't like her we would know." Illyrio told him. Which didn't provide my Father any comfort.

Going back my room my family all asked my Father the same questions if Khal Drogo liked me or not and what my punishment was going to be if I screwed it up.

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