The Dothraki Sea

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Alayna POV
It had been about five moons since we left Vaes Dothrak. Drogo Bloodriders were getting antsy and were wanting to raid a village. So Drogo wanting they went out to a nearby village.

Riding up to the village with Irri and Rakharo I saw the town was burned and barren. Entering the main gate of the village I got off my horse and continued on foot to find Drogo.

I walked a little faster than Irri and Rakharo so I was by myself as I looked through the empty roads trying to find my husband.  While I searched I heard the crunch snap of twig but I ignored it thinking of it being from a fire that  still going strong nearby.  Gazing down a corridor I saw nothing but only feeling the cool feeling of steel against the back of my neck.

I stood ridged in my stance waiting for the blade to move. "Face me slave." I heard a deep Dothraki voice say. Turning around I saw Mago one of Drogo Bloodriders who hated me with a passion. Showing no fear I stared at him straight in the eye.

Mago and I looking  at each other threateningly waiting for each other to make the first move. Putting his arakh away he held up his hand slapping me across the face. Falling to the ground I landed on my hands and knees spitting out blood. Trying to recover I noticed Mago joined me on the ground taking me by my hips. Trying to mount me.

Fighting him off I elbowed him in the face putting him off balance before pushing him to the ground.

Standing up I left and went to find Irri and Rakharo. Feeling my cheek it was sore and possibly bruised. "Khalessi." I heard Irri voice call. "I have found the Khal." She told me as I hid my bruised cheek. "Khalessi What is wrong with your cheek." She asked as she pulled away my hand. "Something I need to tell my husband." I told Irri and let her lead me to where Drogo was.

Finding him he was sitting on a long stone bench his Bloodriders joining him as he sat next to a pile of rotting heads leaning his arm on his arakh.

"Moon of My Life." Drogo said announcing my presence. "What lies does Mago speak of you harming him?" Stepping forward I glared at Mago before speaking to Drogo. "My Sun and Stars, Mago only speaks part truth. For I was looking for you and Mago attacked me before trying to mount me so I fought back only in defense. For I am loyal to you and you only my Khal." I told Drogo trying not to palm my cheek from the pain.

"She is nothing but slave to be mounted." Mago fighting his defense. "I am your Khalessi and if I command you to kill yourself you will do so!!" I yelled back my anger building inside. Mago was going to retort when Drogo deep voice interrupted him. "You heard your Khalessi Mago kill yourself or I will." Drogo stood up  coming over to us.

"I will follow the order of no slave and or a Khal who follows them." Mago spat on the ground putting his arakh at Drogo chest. Seeing there was going to be a fight  I felt Cohollo and Rakharo pull me back protecting me.

Drogo pushes himself into Mago blade like it was nothing. "I will not have your body burned, I will not give you that honor. I will leave you to rot." Drogo told Mago as they fought. "Beetles will feast on your eyes, worms will crawl through your lungs." Drogo said as he expertly dodged blows while Mago threw them with his arakh.
"The rain will fall on you rotting flesh till there is nothing but bone!" He yelled lastly grabbing Mago arakh.

"First you have to kill me." Mago said

"I already have." Drogo told him slicing his throat and pulling out his tongue. Drogo showed it to us before tossing it into the pile of rotting heads. Drogo took his spot and I ran up to him kneeling before him. "My Sun and Stars is hurt." I told him resting my hands on Drogo knees.

"Bite of fly Moon of My Life." Drogo said trying to comfort me. I simply nodded before standing beside placing my hand on my five moons pregnant stomach. "Does anyone else have a problem with your Khalessi or myself?" Drogo asked. No one said anything which comforted me knowing I was their Khalessi and them my people to care for.

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