My Victory Braid

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Alayna POV
When we made Camp Rini and I both looked at my wounds. It was nothing to critical only some bruises and cuts. After I was done visiting Rini I left her tent and saw everyone cheering for me. I smiled trying not to show my confusion as I walked forward to where Drogo was.

"Your Warrior Khalessi!" Drogo announced proudly once I came into view. Everyone was cheering even the Bloodriders who did not even like me. I smiled at everyone as drums began to play and woman to dance.

After Drogo announcement Drogo grabbed my hand he led me into our tent. "Moon of My Life." Drogo said kissing me. "My Sun and Stars." I answered happily returning his kiss. "Come, I must give you your bell." Nodding I followed Drogo sitting down on the ground while he took the bed. My hands resting on my knees I let Drogo braid my hair down my back. When I felt him down braiding my hair I felt Drogo calloused fingers tie something in my hair.

"There you're ready." Drogo said standing up his face full of pride. Standing as well I heard the small jingling of a bell. Looking down at my braid I saw how it was tied into my hair. "Let's go celebrate." Kissing Drogo lips I felt him smile before he grabbed my hand once more. Following Drogo we headed outside and went to celebrate.

Drogo, the Bloodriders, and I were all laughing at each other jokes as we celebrated my victory braid. Sitting on Drogo lap I smiled as we ate and drank together in the summer air. Catching glimpses of my family I saw they were all sitting together eating and glaring at me. I ignored it thought busy celebrating with my people of my victory braid.

The feast lasted forever as we ate and drank while woman would dance to the loud beat of the drum. Eating a piece of horse I smiled enjoying the smoky taste. While I ate Drogo would often steal from my plate which would earn him a few playful slaps. Drogo and I Bloodriders both laughed at that seeing their Khalessi hitting their Khal.

When I was done with my meal I continued to drink some water sitting comfortably on Drogo lap his hand around my waist. Deciding to be bold and surprise everyone I turned Drogo face towards me and gave him a passionate kiss.

Everyone whooped and hollered at that praising the Great Stallion. In retaliation Drogo swung me across my lap and kissed me hard on the lips. I couldn't help but laugh as my face turned beet red. Our Bloodriders still laughing at us.

Finishing the last of my water I felt Drogo nudge me. I looked at him in confusion but he only smirked. Getting off his lap Drogo led me back to our tent where we would finish the rest of our celebration.

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