The Next Morning

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Alayna POV
Waking up I saw the sun was starting to rise. Carefully moving myself away from Drogo I rose up getting ready for the day. Finding my dress I slipped it on and stretched out my back.

Tiptoeing away from Drogo letting him sleep I went and found my mare. She was standing by Drogo Stallion eating the grass below her. While she ate I petted her as well as Drogo Stallion. A few minutes later I saw Drogo come up to me fully dressed. I gave a small smile before I went back to petting my mare.

Drogo now behind me he wrapped his large arms around my waist. Turning around to face him I got on my tiptoes to kiss him. Drogo gladly returned my kiss his hand tangling into my hair. I smiled softly hugging him tight. Drogo held me for a moment before he let go.

Drogo walked to our pallet of furs and blankets and sat down. Following him I saw Drogo back was to me his black long hair down his back. Sitting on my knees behind him I saw he wanted me to braid his hair. Taking his hair in my hands I ran it through it detangling it. When it was detangled to my satisfaction I separated it into three large strands and began to braid it. When I was done braiding Drogo hair I added all of his bells before giving a small tug letting Drogo knowing I had done it.

Drogo stood up as did I braiding my own hair. Drogo watched me as I tried to tame my wild thing that was my hair.  Separating my hair into three pieces Drogo turned me around and did it himself. I smiled as he calloused fingers did delicate work on my hair. When he finished he did a small tug on my own braid.

Knowing we had to return to the Khalassar I helped Drogo gather everything for us to leave. When we were ready I was about to get on my mare myself when Drogo stopped me. I looked at him confused. He said nothing and placed me on my mare like he did on our wedding. After Drogo settled himself on his own horse we were off.

Reaching the Khalassar everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at us. After a few moments of silence they bursted into cheers. Drogo grinned coming off his horse saying something in Dothraki.  When he came to me he lifted me off my horse and onto his shoulder.

Resting on his shoulder Drogo walked around speaking a speech in Dothraki. All I could understand was Khal, Khalessi and Khalassar but nothing else. Once Drogo speech was over he slid me into his arms bridal style and carried me past everyone to a large tent.

Going inside the tent was as large on the inside as on the outside. After Drogo set me on the bed he kneeled down in front of me to kiss me. After our brief kiss he stood up and left.

Looking around my tent I sat there on the bed not knowing what else to do until I saw three women come in. Looking at them the all seemed Dothraki but one girl who had a lighter complexion then the others.

"Hello Khalessi my name is Doreah." The girl with the fairer complexion told me. "Hi" I answered a little shy. "This is Irri and Jhiqui and we are your handmaidens. Irri knows at little bit of Common tongue and Jhiqui speaks mostly Dothraki but is learning Common tongue." Told me introducing the two other girls and what languages they spoke.

"It's nice to meet you all." I said standing up. "So what are we doing today?" "Well Khal Drogo plans to leave for Vaes Dothrak today. Until then you can just relax. Can I bring you something to eat?" Doreah told me. "Yes please and do you have anything comfortable that I can wear?" I wondered looking down at my wedding dress.

Doreah nodded and turned to Jhiqui speaking something in Dothraki to her before she left. After Jhiqui left Irri dug through one of the chest in the tent pulling out some Dothraki wear and placing them on the bed.

"Khalessi here is some clothes for you. It will making riding a lot easier than those dresses you wear." Doreah told me as Irri moved closer to me helping me taking my dress off. Once my dress was off Irri quickly folded it placing it in the trunk where my Dothraki wear was.

When my dress was off Doreah and Irri shocked. Looking down at myself I could see why. I had many bruises from my Father mistreatment and you were able to see my ribs from the lack of food my Father would let me have. "Ah Khalessi." Doreah said softly. "Don't feel sorry Doreah. That part of my life is now over." I told her.

Irri handed me a woven top and I helped put it on slipping the top on I admired the braided straps that held my top up. The top ended in a V shape not fully covering my stomach just my belly button. After my shirt Doreah handed me some green riding pants. After slipping on my pants Irri help me put on a light green skirt and jeweled belt being put over it to help hold up both my pants and skirt.

Once dressed Doreah guided me to a small chair an undid my hair wanting to do in a different style. Doreah detangled my hair extensively as Jhiqui came in with some food and a horn of water.

"Khalessi." Jhiqui said quietly  placing the plate in my lap. I smiled taking the horn from her as well taking a drink of it. As Doreah did my hair in a complicated braid design I ate my food. It was horse meat, bread and some fruit. After cleaning my plate I drank the rest of my water. Jhiqui took my plate and horn from me as Doreah finished my hair.

After Doreah moved away from me I felt the intricate braids that laid in the top part of my hair while the rest of my hair was down. Fanning my hair down my back I stood up and Irri handed me some gray  riding boots. Once I was ready I headed out of my tent seeing everyone was packing up to leave for Vaes Dothrak.

Walking around I went to find Tia and my family. On my quest to find them I found Magister Illyrio first  his slaves at his side. "Leaving so soon I guess?" I said making myself known.

"Yes." Magister Illyrio said turning around. "Thank you Magister Illyrio, I don't know what I do if I wasn't shown your kindness." "You as well Alayna, I wish you safe journeys as you head for Vaes Dothrak." "Thank you, have a safe journey yourself as you head home Magister Illyrio."  Magister Illyrio nodded and left as one of the slaves handed him a horse.

"Have any of you seen my family? I would like to say goodbye before we leave." "Khalessi, you have Family has insisted to stay. They say they will not leave until Kalan gets his army." Doreah said nervous. "All of them?" I demanded trying to see if I could find them. "Yes. Kalan, Isabel and Tarken and Victoria."  "Great." I hissed through my teeth. I expected my Father to come and possibly Tarken but not my Mother or Victoria.

Pushing my irritation aside I turned to Irri thinking of another thing that's been heavy in my mind. "Irri can you start teaching me Dothraki while we ride?" I asked Irri. "Yes Khalessi." Irri  answered nodding with a smile.

"Khalessi the Khal says we must leave now." Irri said the reigns of my mare in her hands. "Yes, I'll just have to worry about it later." I answered getting on my mare. Once on my horse Irri led me to my spot in the Khalassar. It was first Drogo, three Bloodriders, me and three Bloodriders who were behind me. My handmaidens were on either side of me walking.

Everyone ready Drogo went forward and we began our journey to Vaes Dothrak.

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