The Wedding

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Alayna POV
The day of my wedding I was so nervous. Waking up I got in my tub taking a long bath before I slipped into my wedding dress the Magister Illyrio gave me.

It was a razor back. The top of the dress was made of lace while the bottom had a small flow factor. After my dress was put on Tia helped me put on my War paint before doing my hair. The braids that were on either side of my head were a bit bigger that yesterday hair style.

Once I was ready Tia and I walked down to the entrance of Magister Illyrio home where the horses would be. When we got to the entrance I saw six horses. I knew they were for my family, Magister Illyrio and myself.

"Goodbye Princess Alayna." Tia said smiling. "Goodbye Tia." I said giving her a hug. "I hope one day we will see each other again." Tia nodded and we parted. Tia gone from sight I got onto my horse.
After everyone was on their respected horses we all filed out heading to Khal Drogo Khalassar.

It took us about an hour before we reached Khal Drogo Khalassar. Seeing the massive Khalassar people were drinking, dancing, eating and fighting. Getting off my horse I saw a Bloodrider  who met when I met Drogo come up to me seeking the reigns to my horse. After I gave him the reigns he simply nodded taking my horse away.

Once the horses were out of sight another man came up wanting me to follow him. Doing as he wanted I followed to where Drogo sat on a high stone bench. Reaching the stairs Drogo met me there his hand held out for me. Placing my small one in his large one he led me to the high stone bench. Sitting down on the soft furs of the bench everyone cheered. Looking over the crowds I smiled and saw Magister Illyrio lead my family and Tia to sit below us to our left. My family all had frowns on their faces as the sat down watching the wedding go on.

Once I was comfortably situated beside Drogo a Dothraki slave came up to me handing me a horn of fermented mare milk  and a plate. Setting the plate in my lap a assortment of meat came around by a different slave. Grabbing the closet one to me I ate it tasting the flavor of boar. Grabbing a second serving I placed it by the bread that was put on my plate without my knowledge.

Drogo had close to the same but had a different kind of meat on his plate. I ate my food with satisfaction not remembering a meal I had that was this good. After Drogo and I had our meal we watching the dancing and fighting continue. Drinking my mare milk I watched as the fights became deadly. Soon the fighters were killing one another braids were being cut off and thrown at Drogo and I feet.

There were at least twenty deaths by the time people were lining up with gifts in their hands. The Great Stallion had really blessed our union. As men were coming with gifts in their hands Drogo leaned forward intrigued. I did the same wondering what we might get.

The first man that came up had a chest full of snakes. I was curious while we would need a chest full of snakes but I was more scared of the creatures in the chest. Drogo waved him away and a Bloodrider took them away from the man.

This process continued. Drogo would look at the gift and either wave his hand to me or himself. After a few gifts had gone by I saw Ser Jorah. When Drogo saw him he greeted Ser Jorah in his deep voice waving for him to come. Walking up the steps I saw Ser Jorah had about five books in his hand wrapped together.

"Ser Jorah."  I greeted nodding as he came up to us. "For you Khalessi songs and stories of this land." Ser Jorah told me handing me the books. "Thank you Ser Jorah." I smiled putting the books beside me. After Ser Jorah gave his gift he bowed to both of us and Magister Illyrio came up two  slaves behind him each holding a handle of a chest.

"To the Khal and Khalessi. To the Khal I give this masterly crafted dagger." Magister Illyrio said handing Drogo the dagger. "And to the Khalessi I give this." The slaves opening the chest I saw inside was healing supplies. "Like you were a healer to my people you can be a healer to your new people." I smiled before the slaves closed the chest.

Once Magister Illyrio gift was set aside Drogo stood up waiting for me. Following his lead I stood up and we walked down from the bench.

Following Drogo the people created a path before we stopped at Drogo large stallion. His reigns were being held by a slave while Drogo held the reigns of a beautiful white mare. Coming closer to the horse I softly petted her nose smiling when she neighed seeking more of my touch.

Looking at Drogo I smiled showing him I liked his gift very much. Drogo came close and put his hands under my arms putting me on the saddle. Getting comfortable Drogo joined me by getting on his own horse. Grabbing the reigns I was ready to go when I felt a sharp pinch on my calf. Looking down I saw it was my Father. "Please him or there will be consequences." He said whispered lowly before he moved away from me.

I just shook his words from my head remembering this is my wedding and I wouldn't let him ruin it. Drogo telling his horse to I did the same and followed him away from the Khalassar to consummate our marriage.

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