The Market

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Alayna POV
A few weeks has passed since the death of my family. I tried to be sad about it but I wasn't I was more relieved. Getting out of bed I knew Drogo wasn't with me because he told me he was going to go on a morning hunt with his Bloodriders. While Drogo was going to be on his hunt I thought I might as well go to the markets.

Done getting ready it was  Irri, Doreah, Jhiqui, Rakharo and Ser Jorah who accompanied me to the markets. It was a beautiful day as the sun was shining and the wind was blowing a pleasant breeze while we walked among the people and  stands.

When noon came around Irri, Doreah, Jhiqui and I were all carrying something. I was mostly carrying fruit that I knew K wouldn't be able to get once we left for Vaes Dothrak.

Walking around it seemed like paradise as I saw people selling things, children playing and music was playing happily. Without paying attention a boy around the age of nine or ten stole my bag of fruit.

"Hey!" I called out as he ran faster than ever. Rakharo was going to go run and catch him but I stopped him. "No let me." Running after the boy he seemed to notice that I was after him for he ducked into a hole in the wall.

Stopping I looked at the hole seeing it was big enough for me to crawl through. Crawling through the hole and coming out the other side I saw he was trying to catch up speed to disappear once more. But I caught him before he could.

"Oh no you don't." I said grabbing the strap of my bag stopping him. "Please don't hurt me Khalessi, don't hurt me." The boy cried shielding his face. "Shh, I won't you can trust me. I'm just wanting my bag."  Seeing that my bag was filled with fruit and bread I figured out why he stole it  to begin with.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. The boy nodded slowly his eyes still filled with tears. "It's okay. I don't mind sharing."  Digging through my bag I pulled out a loaf of bread and a few apples handing them to him. Seeing that I was giving him food he juggled my bag back over to me.

Looking over his shoulder I saw there was about four other kids waiting in the shadows to eat. "Come on." I said helping the boy spilt the apples and bread among his friends. They all smiled at me in thanks before gobbling up their share of food.

When I was done serving the kids I went and found my group once more. "Khalessi, did you find your bag?" Irri asked. "Yes, everything is fine." I answered walking the food cart once more to get some more fruit.

After my adventure in the markets I returned back to my tent seeing Drogo and the Bloodriders returning from their hunt. I smiled at Drogo at seeing him return home. Drogo smiles at me too getting off his horse. Walking up to me he gave me a kiss making me laugh.

Later that night we were back in the large tent all of us eating the kills Drogo and the Bloodriders brought back. I was happy as I sat on Drogo lap laughing with everybody. I was finally happy.

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