My Family's Death

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Alayna POV
Later that night I was sitting at the head of tent beside Drogo as we watched everyone celebrate. Laughing and joking with my handmaidens I had a horn of water and some food. I ate gleefully as I saw everyone having fun.

Seeing my Father come in I saw he was drunk by the way he walked. "Alayna! Alayna! Where is she? I'm here for the feast the filths feast?" My Father said his words slurred as he came closer. Looking at Ser Jorah he got my message to stop my Father.

"Look the sore foot king walks." Aggo said making Drogo laugh

"Khal Drogo I'm here for the feast." My Father words were slurred as he came up to the fire. "Kalan." Ser Jorah said placing his hand on my Father shoulder. "Don't you touch me!" Father said ripping himself from Ser Jorah grip.

"His place is over there." Drogo told Ser Jorah pointing to a back corner. My Father looked to Ser Jorah for translation. "Khal Drogo says you have a spot over there." Ser Jorah explained pointing to the same corner Drogo had. "That is no place for a king." My Father said.

"You are no king." Drogo said in rough common tongue. My Father seem to snap at that and pulled out his sword breaking one of the laws of Vaes Dothrak. Everything stopped as they looked at my Father.

"Kalan put the sword down they'll kill us all." Ser Jorah tried to earn as my father swung his sword around.

"Father enough." I told him standing up. "There you are." His voice almost becoming child like as he looked at me. I showed no fear as he walked over to me his sword out ready to kill. Standing in front of each other his sword was positioned in front of my stomach.

"Now I want what I came for. I want the crown you husband promised me. I gave him a wife now it's time to pay up what he owes me. If I don't get what I want I'll just take you back. He can keep the baby I cut out and leave it for him." My Father said his sword pressing into my stomach.

"Tell the filth that I will give him the crown he wants." Drogo told me. "What did he say?" My Father asked. "He says he will give you a crown that you desire." I answered. He smiled stepping away from me. "That's all I wanted."

When my Father was a distance away from me Drogo stood up and placed his hand on my belly. I placed my hand over his own looking up at him.

"Seize him." Drogo commanded leaving me as he took off his golden belt. At Drogo order two Bloodriders came up breaking one of my Father arms bringing him to his knees. "Empty the pot." A slave ran over to the pot roasting over the fire and emptied it as her Khal ordered.

My Father figuring out what was happening I saw fear in his eyes. "Alayna!! Alayna tell them to stop Alayna please!" My Father begged as Drogo came up with the pot of melting gold in his hands.

"A crown for a king." Drogo told my father in broken common tongue. Pouring the gold over my Father head he let out a scream of agony before falling to the ground dead. My Mother, Victoria and Tarken let out screams of horror.

When they were done screaming Aggo looked at me. "Khalessi, What of them?" He asked pointing to the rest of my family. "Kill them." I answered simply. Aggo nodded and him and two other Bloodriders dragged them out to be killed.

"Alayna please don't do this. Alayna please!!" Victoria begged as she was kicking and screaming to get out of Aggo grip. "You filth how dare you do this to your own family." Tarken added. My Mother said nothing as she was stilling since my husband killed hers only moments ago. Like my Father I ignored them looking away. Their screams of pleads and pain carried on outside the tent until there was only silence.

With my family out of sight the celebration began again and Drogo pulled me over to stay in his lap. I relaxed as he arm was wound tightly around my waist as he held me. I smiled finally feeling at peace.

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