Alago Is Born

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Alayna POV
We were setting up camp for the last time until Alago was to be born. I was nine moons full term I was just waiting for him to come out. Sitting in my tent Rini was with me checking over my baby. Drogo beside me.

"He should come out any day now Khalessi. All we do is wait." Rini told me taking her hands off my stomach. I smiled and she bowed before leaving. Rini gone Drogo sat beside me laying his hand on my stomach. I smiled up at him and leaned up to kiss him.

Drogo returned my kiss happily. "I'm going to get you something to eat. Stay here." Drogo told me. I nodded resting my hand on my stomach.

After Drogo left I felt a strong shooting pain. At first I thought it Alago having a fit or something but this seemed much stronger. Hissing in pain I laid back on my bed. It eased my pain but not by much.

When Drogo came in he looked at me concerned. "Moon of My Life what's wrong?" He asked taking my hand. "Alago, Alago is coming." I told him another feeling of shooting pain pass over me.

"I'll get Rini." Drogo told me leaving my side to get her. All I could do was feel the pain as it washed over me in waves. When Drogo came back Rini and three others were in tow.

"My Khal raise her up." Rini said as she sat in between my legs. Drogo carefully lifted me up where my back was against his chest. After Rini took off my pants and skirt.

"Khalessi now Push Khalessi Push!" Rini told me. "Harder Khalessi." I wanted nothing more than to slap her as I try to push out my baby. What did she think I was doing.

"One more Push Khalessi and your almost done." Rini told me. Clenching Drogo hand tight I gave it all I could as I did one last push. At that last push I heard a baby scream out.

Finally able to relax I smiled. "My Khalessi, my Khal here is your new son." Rini said handing Alago to me. Looking down at my baby I smiled softly at him. Leaning down I kissed his forehead softly. "He's beautiful." I said quietly. "Yes He is." Drogo answered leaning down to kiss his cheek.

After holding Alago for a few minutes Drogo had to go celebrate with his Bloodriders as it was tradition. I just sat there with Alago watching him sleep. Sitting by myself I thought about the life I've had ever since I met Drogo and how amazing it was and how it would just get better from here.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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