The Thunderstorm

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Alayna POV
Waking up I excepted Drogo to be by my side but I woke up alone. Raising myself up the light in tent seem darken before it brightened again. Looking up at the tent ceiling I was confused. My time to ponder it didn't last long when I saw Drogo come in along with Irri. Drogo talked for a moment in Dothraki Irri stood there waiting. When Drogo was done talking Irri spoke.

"Khalessi, the Khal says that he saw thunder clouds and sees rain approaching so we won't be moving today. He put an oilcloth over the tent to keep you dry. Since we are not moving him and the Bloodriders are going out to hunt but they will be back by nightfall." Irri said telling me Drogo words. "Okay." I answered thinking about it gave me more time with Irri to practice my husband language.

Drogo nodded and left us. "Khalessi I have brought you meal." Irri told me pointing to the food on the table. Sitting down I began to eat my food. While I ate Irri continued to teach me more words. Some of them were very complicated and some very easy. But I was able to pronounce them one way or the other.

By the time noon came around I was almost able to form full sentences. Almost. Still sitting in my tent Irri sat beside me helping me learn the capacity to form Dothraki sentences. Soon I was able to understand the Dothraki sentence complex Irri decided to test it out.

"Okay since you've learn so fast let's try having a conversation in Dothraki." Irri said wanting to tell my skills.

"Good Morning Khalessi. How are you?" Irri asked me. I smiled knowing I was able to understand her. "Yes, I am good." I answered. "You are doing very well the Khal will be very pleased." I smiled at that glad that I will be able to talk to my husband.

After my conversation with Irri she left to get me some lunch. Taking a drink of my water I heard the sound of movements outside. Grabbing my bow for precaution I pulled an arrow out readying it. Leaving my tent I saw nothing. Letting my guard down I thought I was just scared for a second. Holding my bow loosely in my hand I headed inside.

Going inside I saw a large man in clothes that was close to the Dothraki wear but seemed more wild. The man was tan and about the size of Drogo. He had red War paint on covering almost every part of his skin. His brown hair reaching the middle of his back.

"Scream and you die immediately." The man said and I recognized it as the Alaka language. This man looked like a Alaka Chief. Holding my hands up in surrender I felt a rope being tightly wrapped around me by another man. I tried to hold in my whimpers of pain from the ropes as he wrapped a cloth around my mouth to keep me from screaming but it seemed no use.

As the Alaka Chief lifted up a made up tent flap showing how he got in he went through it the other Alaka warrior went after him pulling me with him. I struggled against him as we walked further away from the Khalassar I struggled against him but stopped as he had a knife against my throat.

After my captor placed me on a horse The Alaka Chief kicked horse in a gallop and we were off away from the Khalassar.

Reaching the Alaka Chief Camp. I saw they were a people close like the Dothraki. But remembering my study of these people I knew they were people with no morals and only wanted to kill and pillage.

"This Golden beauty, a prize of our own and my future bride." The Alaka Chief announced pulling me forcefully to him showing me to his people. I screamed loudly through the cloth as I struggled against his grip. "Take her away. We will have the wedding tomorrow night." Screaming again one of the guards hit me in the head trying to get me to shut up.

I gave him that satisfaction but still continue to struggle as they dragged me away. When the stopped I saw stone made platform with a large long wooden beam. Pulling me up roughly they untied me and tied my hands over my head and put them over a hook that was stuck in the beam. My hands securely on the hook where I couldn't escape they tied my feet together. I was so high up it was only my tiptoes that touched the rough stone.

I still had a view of the Alaka Chief he was sitting a long table with his other warriors sitting on either side. As they ate and drank music played and woman danced for them. While I just hung there for everyone to see. It was torture as I hung there my arms burning from being upheld so long.

While I try to wiggle myself free the Alaka men seemed to laugh at me. "Chief, I think we should teach your new bride some manners if she's going to do that all night." The Warrior that captured me said laughing as he took a long drink from his horn. "Yes we should. Go teach her some." The Chief answered smirking at me. I just ignored him. All I could think of was trying to get free.

Three warriors came up to me with whips in their hands. I held my breath as they walked behind me and each took turns whipping my back. I tried to hold in my screams but it was impossible as they never stopped once they started. My voice was hoarse once was they stopped and my shirt was in shreds.

Looking up at the sky I saw the rain came down. I began to shiver as they left leaving me out here to suffer the cold rains. I never found sleep since the rain kept me up. Looking around I felt like I had no hope and thought I was going to die.

If only I could see Drogo one last time.

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